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- Ziegler, A, Meyer, H, Otte, I, Peters, MK, Appelhans, T, Behler, C, Böhning-Gaese, K, Classen, A, Detsch, F, Deckert, J, Eardley, CD, Ferger, SW, Fischer, M, Gebert, F, Haas, M, Helbig-Bonitz, M, Hemp, A, Hemp, C, Kakengi, V, Mayr, AV, Ngereza, C, Reudenbach, C, Röder, J, Rutten, G, Schellenberger Costa, D, Schleuning, M, Ssymank, A, Steffan-Dewenter, I, Tardanico, J, Tschapka, M, Vollstädt, MGR, Wöllauer, S, Zhang, J, Brandl, R, und Nauss, T. . „Potential of Airborne LiDAR Derived Vegetation Structure for the Prediction of Animal Species Richness at Mount Kilimanjaro.“ Remote Sensing, Nr. 14 (3): 786. doi: 10.3390/rs14030786.
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- Kleinewillinghöfer, L, Olofsson, P, Pebesma, E, Meyer, H, Buck, O, Haub, C, und Eiselt, B. . „Unbiased Area Estimation Using Copernicus High Resolution Layers and Reference Data.“ Remote Sensing, Nr. 14 (19): 4903. doi: 10.3390/rs14194903.
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- Ludwig, M, Morgenthal, T, Detsch, F, Higginbottom, TP, Lezama Valdes, M, Nauß, T, und Meyer, H. . „Machine learning and multi-sensor based modelling of woody vegetation in the Molopo Area, South Africa.“ Remote Sensing of Environment, Nr. 222: 195–203. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2018.12.019.
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- Lehmann, JRK, Münchberger, W, Knoth, C, Blodau, C, Nieberding, F, Prinz, T, Pancotto, VA, und Kleinebecker, T. . „High-resolution classification of south patagonian peat bog microforms reveals potential gaps in up-scaled CH4 fluxes by use of Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) and CIR imagery.“ Remote Sensing, Nr. 8 (3): 173–173. doi: 10.3390/rs8030173.
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- Lehnert, LW, Meyer, H, Wang, Y, Miehe, G, Thies, B, Reudenbach, C, und Bendix, J. . „Retrieval of grassland plant coverage on the Tibetan Plateau based on a multi-scale, multi-sensor and multi-method approach.“ Remote Sensing of Environment, Nr. 164: 197–207. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2015.04.020.
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