Vortrag von Shaun Blanchard (University of Notre Dame Australia) und Kolloquium: John Henry Newman's Idea of a University: The Quest for Catholic Education in Protestant Lands (10.07.2024)

Referent: Shaun Blanchard (University of Notre Dame Australia)

John Henry Newman's Idea of a University (1852) is a classic text setting out a great Victorian thinker's vision for a liberal education. In view of the mid-nineteenth century Anglo-Irish context - and especially in light of the author's controversial conversion to Roman Catholicism in 1845 - Idea of a University is also an apologia for distinctively Catholic educational institutions in a Protestant Empire that only recently began to tolerate them. Newman's seemingly abstract reflections on education were inherently political, seeing out an argument for the utility of Catholic education in the British Empire.


18:00 Uhr

Seminarraum JO 102
Johannisstr. 4
48143 Münster

Veranstalter*innen: Jürgen Overhoff / Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik“