Press Releases

April - June 2024


[04.04.2024] Digital creatures, artificial intelligence and existential questions. Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” film series “Digital and transhuman?” will show films about the relationship between humans and machines in the age of digitalization – Four films explore questions of being human – Start of the series at the Schloßtheater in Münster on 9 April – Researchers from the Cluster of Excellence introduce the films.

[23.04.2024] Virtual prayers, online confessionals, fatwas on the internet. The summer term sees the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” focus on how digitalization is transforming religious practice – Panel and lecture series “Religious practice in digital transformation” begins on 30 April – Panel discussion featuring academics and religious figures.


[03.06.2024] US philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah talks in Münster about how religions shape identities – Evening lecture on 13 June about identity and social belonging – Appiah: Religious identity is revealed as an activity, not a thing. And it’s the nature of activities to bring change.

[14.06.2024] US philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah argues for a pluralism without relativism – Hans Blumenberg Lecture 2024 at the Cluster of Excellence

[24.06.2024] Continuation of “Journalism on Religion” training programme. Cluster of Excellence and School of Journalism qualify media professionals to deal with religious issues – Themes such as antisemitism and racism, conflicts over religious practices, and new ideological movements – Positive feedback leads to continuation of only training programme of its kind in Germany.