Habilitation at the Faculty for Protestant Theology, University of Tübingen (Germany)
Promotion to Dr. theol., Faculty for Protestant Theology, University of Tübingen (Germany)
Study of Theology and Philosophy at the University of Tuebingen and the University of Oxford.
Dean of the Faculty for Protestant Theology of the University of Münster (Germany)
Vice dean of the Faculty for Protestant Theology of the University of Münster (Germany)
Honorary Professor at the Institute for Christianity and Cross-Cultural Studies at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (PR China)
Guest Lectureships at Sabah Theological Seminary (Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia) and at the Philosophical Faculty at the University of Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Chair for Sytematic Theology (with Philosophy of Religion and Ecumenical Theology) at the Faculty for Protestant Theology at the University of Münster (Germany); Director of the Seminar for Systematic Theology and Director of the Institute for Ecumenical Theology.
Lecturer at the Inter University Center (IUC) in Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Study Secretary for Theology and the Church of the Lutheran World Federation in Geneva (Switzerland)
Researcher at the FEST in Heidelberg
Visiting Professor at the Faculty for Theology at the University of Zürich (Switzerland)
Teaching Positions at the Universities in Giessen, Hamburg, Munich and Zürich
Lecturer at the Faculty for Protestant Theology of the University of Tübingen (Germany) - working with Eberhard Jüngel.
External Functions
European Academy of Religion
International Academy of the Philosophy of Science (Brussels): Full member
President of the European Academy of Religion
International Board of the Academic Journal: "Studia Religiosa Rossica: Russian Journal of Religion", ed. by the "Russian State University for the Humanities" in Moscow, Russia.
Editorial Advisory Board of the International Journal of Sino-Western Studies
Editor of "Theologische Rundschau" (Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen)
Executive Committee of the Inter University Centre (IUC) Dubrovnik
Vice-President of the European Society for the Philosophy of Religion
Ökumenischer Arbeitskreises evangelischer und katholischer Theologen (ÖAK)
Advisory Board on Ecumenical Issues of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE)
Center for the Theory of Science at the University of Muenster
Cluster of Excellence on "Religion and Politics" at the University of Muenster
Commission for the ecumenical dialogue of the Evangelical Church in Germany and the Ecumenical Partriarchat in Constantinople
Board of the German Society for the Philosophy of Religion
Doktorandenkolloquium: New Research in Doctrine and Philosophy of Religion [018177] [ - | | 14-täglich | Di | ETH 302 | Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Großhans]
Sonderveranstaltung: Ökumenische Gastvorlesung [018854] [ - | ETH 302 | Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Großhans]
Vorlesung: The Christian denominations – similarities and differences [016113]
Blockseminar: Interdisziplinäres Seminar: Doctrines and Practices in Christianity and Islam Part 2 (Joint seminar with the Faculty of Theology of the University of Ankara) [016114] (in cooperation with Jan Turck)
Hauptseminar: Theological Realism – The Concept of Reality in Theology [016116] (in cooperation with Dr. Brandon Watson)
Vorlesung: Outline of Christian Doctrine (Main Issues of Dogmatics) [014253]
Vorlesung: Lecture: Christology: On Human Salvation. Christian Soteriology [014254]
Hauptseminar: Advanced seminar: The soul – in theological and philosophical perspectives [014256]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: Doctrines and Practices in Christianity and Islam Part 1 (Joint seminar with the Faculty of Theology of the University of Ankara) [014279] (in cooperation with Jan Turck)
Doktorandenkolloquium: New Research in Doctrine and Philosophy of Religion [014258]
Tutorial: Propaedeutic. Preparatory instruction to the study of theology [014271] (in cooperation with Dr. Brandon Watson, Sarah Justus)
Vorlesung: Lecture: Christology: The doctrine of Jesus Christ (Doctrines III) [012169]
Vorlesung: The Christian denominations – similarities and differences [012171]
Oberseminar: Philosophy of Religion Today: Metaphysics? [012175]
Repetitorium: Repetition of Systematic Theology [012180] (in cooperation with Dr. Brandon Watson)
Doktorandenkolloquium: New Research in Doctrine and Philosophy of Religion [012182]
Oberseminar: New Research in Doctrine and Philosophy of Religion [010118]
Vorlesung: Lecture: Doctrine of Creation (Doctrines II) [018128]
Vorlesung: The Christian denominations – similarities and differences [018121]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar (Bachelor): Engel und Dämonen (Dogmatik) [018122] (in cooperation with Jan Turck)
Oberseminar: Philosophy of Religion Today: Fundamentalism [018124]
Repetitorium: Repetition of Systematic Theology [018123] (in cooperation with Micha Kuhn)
Vorlesung: Outline of Christian Doctrine (Main Issues of Dogmatics) [016225]
Vorlesung: Lecture: Doctrine I (Prolegomena, Doctrine of God) [016226]
Hauptseminar: Schleiermacher and New Testament [016227] (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Eve-Marie Becker)
Oberseminar: New Research in Doctrine and Philosophy of Religion [016228]
Vorlesung: Lecture: The Christian denominations - similarities and differences [014197]
Hauptseminar: Christology in the Doctrine of Reconciliation in Karl Barth's "Church Dogmatics"(CD IV) [014198] (in cooperation with Jan Turck)
Oberseminar: Philosophy of Religion Today: Hermeneutics [014199]
Doktorandenkolloquium: New Research in Doctrine and Philosophy of Religion [014200]
René Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy [014201]
Oberseminar: New Research in Doctrine and Philosophy of Religion [012209]
Vorlesung: Lecture: The Christian denominations - similarities and differences [010339]
Hauptseminar: Eberhard Jüngel: God as the Mystery of the World [010336] (in cooperation with Eike Christian Herzig)
Oberseminar: Philosophy of Religion Today: Hermeneutics [010338]
Repetitorium: Repetition of Systematic Theology [010337] (in cooperation with Micha Kuhn)
Vorbereitung auf das schriftliche und mündliche Examen in Systematischer Theologie (in cooperation with Micha Kuhn)
Hauptseminar: Theodicy [018126] (in cooperation with Micha Kuhn)
Oberseminar: New Research in Doctrine and Philosophy of Relgion [018127]
Vorlesung: Lecture: The Christian denominations - similarities and differences [016182]
Hauptseminar: Ingolf U. Dalferth, Radical Theology [016183] (in cooperation with Eike Christian Herzig)
Oberseminar: Philosophy of Religion today: Reason and Religion [016181]
Repetitorium: Repetition of Systematic Theology [016180] (in cooperation with Micha Kuhn)
Vorlesung: Master in Strategic Communication (starting from WS 2020/21) [014123]
Blockseminar: Communication in Politics, Economy and Society [014125] (in cooperation with Dr. Reinhold Hemker)
Hauptseminar: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit - in History and Presence [014124] (in cooperation with Dr. Sabine Ihben-Bahl)
Doktorandenkolloquium: New Research in Doctrine and Philosophy of Religion [014122]
Tutorial: Introduction into the Study of Theology [014127] (in cooperation with Dr. Sabine Ihben-Bahl)
Immanuel Kant. Religions within the limits of reason alone - in the context of Kant's Philosophy of Religion [014126] (in cooperation with Eike Christian Herzig)
Blockseminar: Philosophy of Religion Today [012559]
Oberseminar: New Research in Doctrine and Philosophy of Religion [012558]
Oberseminar: New Research in Doctrine and Philosophy of Religion [010137]
Vorlesung: Lecture: The Christian denominations - similarities and differences [018018]
Blockseminar: GETI'17: Global Ecumenical Theological Institute in Berlin [018056] (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Norbert Hintersteiner)
Repetitorium: Repetition of Systematic Theology [018071] (in cooperation with Dr. Sabine Ihben-Bahl)
Vorlesung: Outline of Christian Doctrine (Main Issues of Dogmatics) [016051]
Hauptseminar: What is evil? Ingolf Dalferth's book "Malum" [016071] (in cooperation with Dr. Sabine Ihben-Bahl)
Hauptseminar: At Bosporus, Eurphat and Tigris - Christianity in Turkey [016077]
Oberseminar: New Research in Doctrine and Philosophy of Religion [016099]
Vorlesung: Lecture: The Christian denominations - similarities and differences [014070]
Hauptseminar: Mystic and Faith [014076]
Oberseminar: Philosophy of Religion today [014080]
Repetitorium: Food Chemistry and Technology - Fundamentals [014078] (in cooperation with Dr. Sabine Ihben-Bahl)
René Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy [014087] (in cooperation with Eike Christian Herzig)
Vorlesung: Outline of Christian Doctrine (Main Issues of Dogmatics) [012066]
Hauptseminar: The Ecumenical Relevance of the "Communauté de Taizé" and the Contribution of Frère Roger to Theological Thought [012078] (in cooperation with Dr. Sabine Ihben-Bahl, Prof. Dr. Dorothea Sattler)
Hauptseminar: Classical Concepts of Anglican Christology (english-german seminar) [012074]
Hauptseminar: What is evil? Ingolf Dalferth's book "Malum" [012077]
Doktorandenkolloquium: Colloquium: New Publications in Doctrine and Philosophy of Religion [012080]
Hauptseminar: Module Atomic and Quantum Physics [010773] (in cooperation with Dr. Sabine Ihben-Bahl)
Oberseminar: Advanced seminar: Philosophy of Religion today: Anthropology and Religion [010807]
Vorlesung: Vorlesung: The Principles of Christian Dogmatics [010665] (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Michael Beintker)
Vorlesung: Vorlesung: On Human Salvation. Christian Soteriology [010650]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: God - a friend of life. Ecumenical convergence and dissent in moral questions [010775] (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dorothea Sattler)
Hauptseminar: Intermediate seminar: God - a friend of life. Ecumenical convergences and disagreements in matters of ethics [024050] (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dorothea Sattler)
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: A. von Harnack, The essence of Christianity [010722]
Hauptseminar: Hautpseminar: Worship and Rituals in Christianity and Islam [010741] (in cooperation with Dr. Sabine Ihben-Bahl)
Tutorial: Aristotle, Metaphysics [010832] (in cooperation with Eike Christian Herzig)
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: Was ist Gerechtigkeit? - John Rawls, Eine Theorie der Gerechtigkeit [010769]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology [010663] (in cooperation with Dr. Sabine Ihben-Bahl)
Doktorandenkolloquium: Doktorandenkolloquium: Religion and Society [010701]
Vortrag: Lecture: The Christian denominations - similarities and differences [010610]
Symposium: Konferenz der European Society for Philosophy of Religion
Tutorial: Martin Heidegger, Time and Being [010788] (in cooperation with Eike Christian Herzig)
Vorlesung: Basic Topics of Christian Dogmatics [010610]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: Friedrich Schleiermacher's "The Christian Faith" [010659]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: Faith and Science [010678]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: Law and Gospel [010663] (in cooperation with Dr. Sabine Ihben-Bahl)
Doktorandenkolloquium: Doktorandenkolloquium: Recent publications in dogmatics and philosophy of religion (in English) [010701]
Vorlesung: Tutorial Course [010564]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: Frau und Mann. Geschlechteranthropologie in ökumenischer Perspektive [022784] (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dorothea Sattler)
Hauptseminar: Intermediate seminar: Man and Woman. Anthropology of Gender in ecumentical perspective [010621] (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dorothea Sattler)
Hauptseminar: Courses taught in English [010617]
Oberseminar: Courses optionally taught in English [010636]
Tutorial: Aritotle, Metaphysics [010731] (in cooperation with Dr. Sabine Ihben-Bahl)
Vorlesung: Vorlesung: Fundamental Theology - The Foundation of Christian Dogmatics [010570]
Ringvorlesung: Ringvorlesung: Amidst life are embraced by death - the graveyard: a place for the living and the dead [010590]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: S. Kierkegaard, "The Concept of Anxiety"" and "The Sickness unto Death" [010642]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: The Christian Doctrine of Angels [010623] (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Michael Beintker)
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: Worship and Rituals in Christianity and Islam [010657]
Oberseminar: Oberseminar: New publications in Dogmatics and Philosophy of Religion [010676]
Vorlesung: Vorlesung: The Christian denominations: Protestant - catholic - orthodox - etc. What do they have in common and what are the differences? [010490]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: Understanding Biblical Texts - Study Course in Theological Hermeneutics [010539]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: Faith and Reason in Martin Luther's Thought [010543]
Oberseminar: Oberseminar: Anthropologie - als Thema in Religionsphilosophie und Theologie [010558]
Übung: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations [010668]
Vorlesung: Basic Topics of Christian Dogmatics [010139]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: To be church differently? A protestant / catholic concept of denominations [010660] (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dorothea Sattler)
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: Eberhard Jüngel's "God as the Mystery of the World" [010674]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: „Anders Kirche sein? Eine evangelisch / römisch-katholische Konfessionskunde.“ [022545] (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dorothea Sattler)
Oberseminar: Oberseminar: New publications in dogmatic and philosophy of religion [010693]
Übung: 1. Kants's Philosophy of Religion [010770]
Vorlesung: Vorlesung: The Christian doctrine of God [010613]
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: Religious Players in international development cooperation [010666] (in cooperation with Dr. Stephan Engelkamp)
Hauptseminar: Hauptseminar: The self-understanding of Jesus and teh christology of the church [010450] (in cooperation with Folker Siegert)
Oberseminar: Oberseminar: Religion and Culture - perspectives of philosophy of religion [010670]
Übung: René Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy [010757]
Vorlesung: Advanced Module [010717]
Blockseminar: Intercultural Theology (ohne Hebr.) [010133] (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Reinhard Achenbach)
Hauptseminar: Modul: Biochemistry and Biophysical Chemistry [010736]
Oberseminar: Oberseminar: Post-secular phenomena of religion [010774]
Übung: Plato's Theory of Ideas [010870] (in cooperation with Malte Dominik Krüger)
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Die Kirche und die Zeit.“Hermeneutische Blätter. Hg. vom Instiut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich. Sonderheft: Zeit geben. Hans Weder zum 60. Geburtstag 1/2-2006: 187–204.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „"Extra nos". Zur Externität christlicher Existenz.“Hermeneutische Blätter. Hg. vom Instiut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich 2003, № Heft 1: 22–26.
Grosshans Hans-Peter. . ‘Human Dignity Comes before Values.’Thinking it over ..., ed. by the Department for Theology and Studies of the Lutheran World Federation Issue 17: 1–4.
Book Contributions
Research Article (Book Contributions)
Grosshans, Hans-Peter. . ‘The Future of Lutheran and Lutheranism in Theological Education .’ In The Future of Lutheran and Lutheranism in Theological Education. Celebrating 505 Years after Reformation Day, edited by Sitanggang, Pintor Marihot; Siahaan, Rospita Deliana; Peterson, Charles;, 11–20. 0th Ed. Jarkarta: BPK Gunung Mulia.
Großhans. . ‘What is Evil? - In a Theological Perspective .’ In To See a Theological World in a Grain of Sand. Festschrift for Pilgrim W.K. Lo on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, edited by Au, Alister; Sun, Evangeline; Kim, Sung; Kwok, Patsy;, 435–456. 0th Ed. Hong Kong: Gratia Christian College.
Grosshans, Hans-Peter. . ‘Introduction.’ In Religion and Change, edited by Grosshans, Hans-Peter;, 1–4. 0th Ed. Berlin: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783111241463.
Grosshans Hans-Peter. . ‘Ethnic and Religious Diversity.’ In Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Myanmar. Contested Identities, edited by Schmidt-Leukel Perry, Grosshans Hans-Peter, Krüger Madlen, 257–271. 0th Ed. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Grosshans Hans-Peter. . „Vernachlässigter Geist? Zur Bedeutung der Pneumatologie in der neuesten evangelischen Dogmatik.“InWir glauben an den Heiligen Geist. XVII. Begegnung im bilateralen theologischen Dialog zwischen der EKD und dem Ökumenischen Patriarchat, herausgegeben von Bosse-Huber Petra, Vliagkoftis Konstantinos, Langpape Wolfram, 93–118. 0th Ed. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Schuld und Vergebung in Martin Luthers Auslegung der Bergpredigt.“InSchuld und Vergebung. Festschrift für Michael Beintker zum 70. Geburtstag, herausgegeben von Großhans Hans-Peter, Selderhuis Herman J., Dölecke Alexander, Schleiff Matthias, 109–129. 0th Ed. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Bultmann und die Kirche.“InBultmann Handbuch, herausgegeben von Landmesser Christoph, 150–155. 0th Ed. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag.
Grosshans Hans-Peter. . ‘Reason and Philosophy in Martin Luther's Thought.’ In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Martin Luther, edited by Nelsen Derek, Hinlicky Paul, 1–25. 0th Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Becker Eve-Marie, Großhans Hans-Peter. . „20. Jahrhundert: Einführung.“InHandbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken, herausgegeben von Wischmeyer Oda, Becker Eve-Marie, Elliot Mark W., Großhans Hans-Peter, u.a., 863–866. 0th Ed. Berlin: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110330274.
Becker Eve-Marie, Großhans Hans-Peter. . „19. Jahrhundert: Einführung.“InHandbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken. Von Origenes bis zur Gegenwart, herausgegeben von Wischmeyer Oda, Becker Eve-Marie, Elliot Mark W., Großhans Hans-Peter, 767–770. 0th Ed. Berlin: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110330274.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Matthias Flacius Illyricus. Clavis Scripturae Sacrae (1567).“InHandbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken. Von Origenes bis zur Gegenwart, herausgegeben von Wischmeyer Oda, Becker Eve-Marie, Elliot Mark W., Großhans Hans-Peter, u.a., 381–387. 0th Ed. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Gottesdienst und Abendmahl - in evangelischem Verständnis.“InKontinuitäten und Brüche. Trienter Konzil und Zweites Vatikanisches Konzil im Gespräch, herausgegeben von Schmidt Bernward, 313–341. 0th Ed. Aachen: Einhard Verlag.
Grosshans Hans-Peter. . „Luthers erste Auslegung der Psalmen und ihr Beitrag zur Hermeneutik.“InDas Lied des Herrn in der Fremde singen. Psalmen in zeitgenössischer lutherischer Interpretation, herausgegeben von Mtata Kenneth, Niebuhr Karl-Wilhelm, Rose Miriam, 19–35. 0th Ed. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Kirchengemeinschaft aus der Porvoo-Perspektive.“InKirche in Gemeinschaft - Kirchengemeinschaft? Impulse der Leuenberger Konkordie für die ökumenische Zukunft, herausgegeben von Weinrich Michael, Möller Ulrich, von Bülow Vicco, Koch Heike, 103–113. 0th Ed. Neukirchen: Neukirchener Verlag.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Tragen die anderen Religionen zur christlichen Identität bei?“InDen Blick weiten: Wenn Ökumene den Religionen begegnet - Dialogue inside-out: Ecumenism Encounters the Religions, herausgegeben von Pierce Andrew, Schuegraf Oliver, 190–201. 0th Ed. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
Adna Jostein, Doroftei Doru, Eich Thomas, Großhans Hans-Peter, Morgenstern Matthias. . ‘Et Dieu créa la femme: la religion à l’épreuve du genre.’ In Dieu, une enquête. Judaïsme, christianisme, islam: ce qui les distingue, ce qui les rapproche, edited by Albera D., Berthelot Kathel, 375–453. 0th Ed. .
Grosshans Hans-Peter. . ‘Lutheran Hermeneutics: An Outline.’ In “You have the Words of Eternal Life” - Transformative Readings of the Gospel of John from a Lutheran Perspective, edited by Mtata Kenneth, 23–46. 0th Ed. Minneapolis.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Ethik und Politik bei Charles Hartshorne.“InPerfect Changes. Die Religionsphilosophie Charles Hartshornes, herausgegeben von Enxing Julia, Müller Klaus, 107–122. 0th Ed. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . ‘Toleranz. Ein umstrittenes Konzept im Umgang mit religiöser Pluralität.’ In Integration religiöser Pluralität. Philosophische und theologische Beiträge zum Religionsverständnis in der Moderne, edited by Großhans Hans Peter, Krüger Malte, 15–29. 0th Ed. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
Großhans Hans-Peter, Krüger Malte Dominik. . „Mehr Licht! Zur Aufgabe einer Theologie des Gottesdienstes.“InIn der Gegenwart Gottes. Beiträge zur Theologie des Gottesdienstes, herausgegeben von Großhans Hans-Peter, Krüger Malte Dominik, 9–13. Frankfurt am Main: Hansisches Druck- und Verlagshaus.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . ‘Introduction.’ In One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Some Lutheran and Ecumenical Perspectives, edited by H.-P. Grosshans on behalf of The Lutheran World Federation, 5–18. 0th Ed. Geneva/Minneapolis.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . ‘Alles (nur) Gefühl? Zur Religionstheorie Friedrich Schleiermachers.’ In Christentum - Staat - Kultur. Akten des Kongresses der Internationalen Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft in Berlin, edited by Arndt Andreas, Barth Ulrich, Gräb Wilhelm, 547–565. 0th Ed. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Instanzen der Lehrbildung und Lehrbeurteilung.“InGebundene Freiheit? Bekenntnisbildung und theologische Lehre im Luthertum, herausgegeben von Gemeinhardt Peter, 239–260. 0th Ed. Güterloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . ‘After Death?’ In Identity, Survival, Witness. Reconfiguring Theological Agendas, edited by K.L. Bloomquist on behalf of The Lutheran World Federation, 67–74. 0th Ed. Geneva.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Die Berufung eines Christen. Predigt über 1Kor 1,26-31.“InZwischen den Zeichen : Ingolf U. Dalferth zum 60. Geburtstag, herausgegeben von Inst. für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie, 87–94. 0th Ed. Zürich.
Grosshans Hans-Peter. . ‘Baptism - A Sacramental Bond of Church Unity.’ In Consultations between the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE) - Leuenberg Documents 11, edited by Beintker Michael, Friedrich Martin, Ionita Viorel, 242–267. 0th Ed. Frankfurt am Main: Lembeck.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Die Taufe - ein sakramentales Band kirchlicher Einheit.“InKonsultationen zwischen der Konferenz Europäischer Kirchen (KEK) und der Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa (GEKE) - Leuenberger Texte 11, herausgegeben von Beintker Michael, Friedrich Martin, Ionita Viorel, 214–241. 0th Ed. Frankfurt a.M.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Wahrheit als Perspektive?“InWahrheit in Perspektiven. Probleme einer offenen Konstellation, herausgegeben von Dalferth Ingolf, Stoellger Philipp, 253–269. 0th Ed. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Verlag.
Grosshans Hans-Peter. . ‘Luther.’ In Great Christian Thinkers. The Spiritual Heritage of six Key Theologians, edited by Vardy Peter, 411–519. 0th Ed. New York City: Harper Collins.
Entries in Encyclopediae (Book Contributions)
Grosshans Hans-Peter. . ‘Hermeneutics.’ In Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, Vol. 11
, edited by Allison Dale C. Jr., Helmer Christine, Leppin Volker, Seow Choon-Leong, Spieckermann Herrmann, Walfish Barry Dov, Ziolkowski Eric J., 870–876. 0th Ed. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . ‘Religionsphilosophie 1. Westliche Ausprägungen.’ In Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit / im Auftr. des Kulturwissenschaftlichen Instituts (Essen) und in Verbindung mit den Fachwissenschaftler, edited by Jaeger Friedrich, 1121–1126. 0th Ed. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Semantik III. Systematisch-theo.“InLexikon der Bibelhermeneutik, herausgegeben von Wischmeyer Oda, 540. 0th Ed. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . „Semiotik I. Systematisch-theologisch.“InLexikon der Bibelhermeneutik, herausgegeben von Wischmeyer Oda, 543. 0th Ed. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Großhans Hans-Peter. . ‘Correctness.’ In Religion in Past and Present, edited by Betz Hans-Dieter. 0th Ed. Leiden: Brill.
Gottes-Denken am Ausgang des 20. Jahrhunderts bei Eberhard Jüngel und Wolfhart Pannenberg
Lee, Mi-Kyung
Religion und die Grenze. Das Verständnis der Grenze bei Bonhoeffer und Tillich im Vergleich
Kwon, Hyukjin
Ekklesiologie bei Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Kwon, Soonmyung
Theologische Anthropologie bei Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Kim, Kwangsuk
Die ökumenische Theologie der deutschen Kirche und die deutsche Wiedervereinigung - die ökumenische Theologie der koreanischen Kirche und Perspektiven zur Wiedervereinigung Koreas
Plenter, Simon
Theologische Grundlagen kirchlicher Entwicklungszusammenarbeit unter postkolonialer Perspektive
Lojewsky, Malte
Johnny Cashs Frömmigkeitsprofil als Paradigma amerikanischer Frömmigkeit des 20. Jahrhunderts
Dr. Rainer Eckel
Theologie und Wissenschaftstheorie
Adamus, Dominik
Eine evangelische Theologie der Lebenskunst
Herzig, Eike Christian
Anti-Theology. The Position of Theology in Martin Heidegger's Thought
Kim, Eungkwan
Die Bedeutung der Interpretation Anselm v. Canterburys für Karl Barths Theologie
Ihben-Bahl, Sabine Joy
Angst und die eine Wirklichkeit. Paul Tillichs transdisziplinäre Angsttheorie im Dialog mit gegenwärtigen Emotionskonzepten
Simone Sinn
Religiöse Pluralität und religiöse Transformationsprozesse im Pancascila-Staat: Christen und Muslime in Indonesien
Postdoctoral Study
Watson, Brandon
Religious Language, Metaphor, and Narrative: The Pursuit of (Self-)Discovery