Junior Researchers Projects: Postdoctoral Programme (2007-2018)

Postdoctoral Researcher Project Project Participation Major Subject
Berezhnaya, Liliya, Dr. B2-4 "The Ukrainian Bastion" – the Bulwark of Europe and antemurale christianitis. The Nationalisation of a Myth Single Project Comparative History
Blömer, Michael, Dr. phil. Studies on iconography of trans-local cults in the Roman Empire Project B2-20 Classical Archaeology
Bunte, Martin, Dr., M.A. Nature – Arts – Liberty. Rousseuau’s Genealogy of political Freedom Single Project Philosophy
Ciano, Nunzia, Dr. Religion and politics in the speeches of Cicero. Religion as a medium of communication and a political tool in Cicero’s rhetorical strategy Single Project Classical Philology
Doering, Pia Claudia, Dr. Criticism of religion in medieval and early modern Italian and French novelistic literature Single Project Romance Studies
Eckhardt, Benedikt, Dr. Associations and societal (de-)differentiation in the Roman East (2nd–4th century CE) Project C2-12 Ancient History
Enxing, Julia, Dr. coming soon Project C2-10 Christian Social Sciences
Fateh-Moghadam, Bijan, PD Dr. iur. The religio-ideological neutrality of criminal law – on the penal monitoring of religious pluralisation Project A2-7 Law
Fleßenkämper, Iris, Dr. A2-5 Marital conflicts between crime and sin: On the relationship between secular and clerical penal power in the county of Lippe during the Confessional Age Single Project Contemporary History
Glaab, Katharina, M. A. Religious protagonists in global governance Project A2-6 Political Science
Höink, Dominik, Dr. Staging dispute. Conflicts relating to religion in the opera Single project Musicology
Jensz, Felicity, Dr. B2-11 Educating the ‘Natives’: Schools, missions, and governments in the British colonial world Single project Contemporary History
Korte, Petra, Dr. The mediation of religious conceptions in Jesuit Emblem Books Project B2-5 Latin Philology
Kreutz, Michael, Dr. Beyond the centres: Religion and Enlightenment based on the examples of Islam and of Greek and Arabic Christianity in South-Eastern Europe and the Levant Project C2-11 Oriental Philology
Leibold, Stefan, Dr. phil. The special features of a Catholic theory of capitalism. The concepts of Nell-Breuning compared with classical sociological analysis of capitalism Project A2-16 Catholic Theology, Social Sciences
Livi, Massimilliano, Dr. phil. A2-9 Normative crisis and religious affiliation in Italy in the 1960s and 1970s Single Project Modern and Contemporary History
Martin, Katharina, Dr. phil. The presence of the Roman between dependence, adaptation and interaction. Roman hegemonial power as a religious factor in Asia Minor Single Project Classical Archaeology
Meier, Barbara, Dr. phil. D2-3 Marginal prophets and sacred sites. Translocality of religious concepts in Uganda Single Project Ethnology
Pietsch, Andreas, Dr. phil. Spirituality beyond the churches. Discourses of confessional ambiguity in the early modern period Project B2-22 Modern and Contemporary History
Riches, Theo, Ph. D. C2-21 The Episcopacy and Socio-Political Change before the Investiture Contest. A Comparative Study of Dioceses along the Franco-Imperial Border, c. 950 - c. 1050 Single Project Medieval History
Schulze, Thies, Dr. phil. C2-17 Universal claims and national identities: The Vatican’s stance on nationalist conflicts in the period between the World Wars Single Project History
Sieg, Christian, PD Dr. Authorship as a field strategy: Literary staging between religion and politics from 1945 to 1990 Project B2-18 German Philology
Thieme, Sarah, M.A. Structural change as a challenge for the churches: design potential, discursive participation and concepts of “city pastoral care” from the long 1960s to the German reunification Single Project History
Wasmaier-Sailer, Margit, Dr. A2-18 The relation between morality and religion in the works of Johann Michael Sailer and Immanuel Kant. A contribution to the secularisation debate Single Project Catholic Theology, Philosophy
Weiberg-Salzmann, Mirjam, Dr. Religion and politics: The role of religious arguments and actors within the discourses of plural democracies: a comparison of the bio-political discussion in Germany, Ireland, Great Britain and the United States of America Project A2-19 Political Science
Zamagni, Gianmaria, PD Dr. The "End of the Constantinian Era" and the models of a "New Christianity" in the 20th century. An enquiry into the history of religions Project D9 Religious Studies