Small disciplines on film - researchers and students report on their research and studies

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Whether Jewish studies or Islamic studies, sinology or Egyptology – small disciplines from the humanities are unknown to many. Professors and students talk on film about their personal experiences in research and teaching – from Assyriology and ancient history to religious studies and Islamic theology. The trailers and testimonials were filmed in libraries and archives, at desks and on excavation sites. They are part of the University of Münster exhibition “Small disciplines – great potential”.

Dutch studies briefly explained

Deepening the sense of neighbourhood: Dutch studies is a popular subject at the University of Münster. As student Maike Baranczak reports in the film accompanying the “Small disciplines – great potential” exhibition, students learn about the language, literature and culture of our western neighbour.


Meeting people who lived 4000 years ago: students of Assyriology are learning about the ancient cultures of modern-day Iraq, which, as student Nils Kaufmann reports in the film, also means learning dead languages such as Middle Egyptian and Akkadian.

Non-European history

As historian Silke Hensel shows in the film, colonization in Latin America changed the lives not only of the indigenous population, but also of people in Europe. In the exhibition “Small disciplines – great potential”, she focuses on Latin America to highlight the importance of the discipline of non-European history – since the world is larger than Germany and Europe!

Byzantine studies briefly explained

The Byzantine Empire is unknown to many, yet for many centuries it shaped the history of the eastern Mediterranean, in modern-day countries such as Greece, Turkey and Syria. As Byzantine studies professor Michael Grünbart explains in the film, those who think that this history is dry and dusty are not yet aware of how dynamic and open Byzantine society was.


A new look at Islam

Studying Islamic theology – what is fun, what is annoying, what career paths does it offer? Student Alejandra Schrama talks about her degree programme and the career paths that it offers. In the film accompanying the exhibition “Small disciplines – great potential”, she says: “The current political situation makes it essential to deal with Islamic theology – studying it offers a new perspective”.


Ancient history briefly explained

Ancient historian Prof. Dr. Peter Funke has heard many clichés about the Greeks and Romans. In the film accompanying the exhibition “Small disciplines – great potential”, he debunks these clichés and explains what ancient history really is. As he says: “It is a great, ancient global history. We can learn from the structures that we discover there”.


Religious studies briefly explained

Professor Astrid Reuter introduces religious studies and debunks the clichés about her discipline. Why is this discipline important? What are the connections between religion, culture and history?

Everyday excavation work in Israel

In a video from Tel Iztaba on the Jordan Rift Valley, archaeologist Achim Lichtenberger from the Cluster of Excellence and his team report on life and work at an excavation site. What insights do the ancient finds provide? What are the archaeologists uncovering in the earth? And what can students learn from the excavation?