The Catholic theologian Prof. Dr. Michael Seewald of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” has published a new book, “Reform – Dieselbe Kirche anders denken (Reform – the Same Church, Another Thinking). In it he explores possibilities and limits of reforms in the Catholic Church.
The lecture series “Münsters Wissen frisch gezapft!” (Münster’s knowledge freshly tapped!) will take place for the second time from the 1st to the 3rd of July.
The political attitudes and actions of Jesuits in Chile between 1962 and 1983 are dealt with in a recently published monograph in Spanish by the historian Dr. Antje Schnoor. The book is a translation of her dissertation.
The dissertation of the scholar of Islamic studies Cüneyd Yildirim deals with the Ottoman Sufi community of the Malāmatiyya, which was formed in the 19th century.
The new Collaborative Research Centre “Law and Literature”at the University of Münster will start on July 1. Legal scholar Prof. Dr. Fabian Wittreck from the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” is the centre’s deputy speaker.
In a public evening lecture in the Schloss Münster on 25 June, sociologist of religion Prof. Dr. James Spickard, from the University of Redlands, USA, will talk about “Thinking Beyond the West: Seeing Religions with Unaccustomed Eyes”.