“God Beyond Boundaries”
Perry Schmidt-Leukel on a Christian and Pluralist Theology of Religions

“God Beyond Boundaries”, written by the Religious Studies Scholar and Theologian Perry Schmidt-Leukel of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics”, deals with the essential features and benefits of a pluralist approach in the theology of religions. It is the English translation of his book “Gott ohne Grenzen” (first published in 2005 by Gütersloher Verlagshaus/Random House) and has now been released by Waxmann Verlag, Münster—New York.
According to Schmidt-Leukel the pluralist theology of religions is not about interreligious tolerance but about genuine theological appreciation. Tolerance is important in order to control and limit the potential of religious conflicts. “But is tolerance the only option in inter-faith relations?” Schmidt-Leukel asks. “I suggest that there can be more, namely true mutual recognition and genuine reciprocal appreciation.” In his much acclaimed study, Schmidt-Leukel presents the pluralist theology of religions as an expression of such appreciation. He discusses the theological presuppositions which allow Christians to accept other religions as equally valid without neglecting or denying the differences. Moreover, he demonstrates how in Christianity’s actual encounter with Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism a pluralist position can lead out of the theological impasses and creates space for new and fruitful developments in inter-faith relations.(exc)