Current Projects

  • ProkRASt_Praevention

    Procrastination as a risk factor for dropping out of university: prevention through motivation and action regulation

    © BMBF

    Network spokesperson

    Prof. Dr. Carola Grunschel

    Project partners

    Subproject Münster

    Prof. Dr. Carola Grunschel  
    Prof. Dr. Stefan Fries (Universität Bielefeld)
    Lena Kegel
    Anne Scheunemann

    Subproject Augsburg

    Prof. Dr. Markus Dresel
    Sophie von der Mülbe

    Subproject Bochum

    Prof. Dr. Joachim Wirth
    Prof. Dr. Detlev Leutner (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
    Anne Scheunemann

    Project duration

    01.August.2021 until 31.July.2024

    Project description

    Building on preliminary work (predecessor project ProkRASt ) and meta-analytical findings on the role of study motivation and study behaviour, the project aims to develop, evaluate and implement a prevention programme to promote academic success and reduce drop-out in STEM subjects. The programme is based on empirically proven training in the higher education sector, is implemented in a blended learning format and consists of three prevention modules. It aims to positively influence motivation to study and its regulation, dealing with motivational costs and procrastination as well as learning behaviour and its regulation. It also aims to improve academic performance and well-being and to reduce the intention to drop out of university. The three sub-projects are each responsible for designing a prevention module. Augsburg focusses on expectation and value problems as well as motivational regulation. Münster addresses motivational costs in studying and their effects on the learning process. Bochum focusses on learning actions and time management. The prevention programme is being developed for four representative STEM subjects, specifically adapted to their content and integrated into the curriculum of compulsory courses (Augsburg: computer science, Münster: mathematics/physics, Bochum: mechanical engineering). Four quantitative-empirical field studies serve to examine the immediate and long-term effects of the individual prevention modules (three site-specific studies) and the integrated overall programme (cross-site study). The project thus makes a sustainable, transferable and implementable contribution to promoting academic success and reducing drop-out rates.

    Conference contributions (national, international, organised symposia)


    Scheunemann, A., Kegel, L. S., Scheunemann, A., von der Mülbe, S., Fleischer, J., Dresel, M., Fries, S., Leutner, D., Wirth, J., & Grunschel, C. (2024, März). Mit Motivation und guter Zeitplanung erfolgreich studieren – Unterstützung durch ein digitales Präventionsprogramm. 11. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung, Potsdam, Deutschland

    Kegel, L. S. & Grunschel, C. (2023, September). Studiennoten, Studienzufriedenheit und Studienabbruch – Eine latent transition-Analyse ihrer Konstellationen und zeitlichen Entwicklung. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPS), Kiel, Deutschland.

    Grunschel, C., Kegel, L. S., Scheunemann, A., von der Mülbe, S., Fleischer, J., Dresel, M., Fries, S., Leutner, D., & Wirth, J. (2023, September). Motivation und Zeitplanung im Hochschulstudium stärken – Evaluation eines digitalen Präventionsprogramms für Studierende. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPS), Kiel, Deutschland.

    Kegel, L. S., Turhan, D., & Grunschel, C. (2023, März). Motivationale Kosten im MINT-Studium reduzieren – Das Blended Learning-Programm UniProfi. Vortrag gehalten auf der 10. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Essen, Deutschland.


    Kegel, L. S., Turhan, D., & Grunschel, C. (angenommen, 2023, August). Reducing motivational costs of STEM students – a blended learning program in higher education. Oral presentation at the 20th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Thessaloniki, Greece.

    Organisierte Symposien

    Kegel, L. S. & Grunschel, C. (2023, September). Symposium: Wohlbefinden, Leistung und Verbleib im Studium: Studienerfolg und seine zeitliche Entwicklungvorhersagen und erklären. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie (PAEPS), Kiel, Deutschland.

    Kegel, L. S. (2023, März). Symposium: Mehr Studienmotivation in die Hochschulen: Wertüberzeugungen von Studierenden und ihre Förderung in spezifischen Studienkontexten. 10. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung. Essen, Deutschland.