Monday, 23.09.2019
Presentations by PhD Students
- Q-value and energy loss in KATRIN (Rudolf Sack)
- The CKrS: a calibration source for KATRIN (Alexander Fulst)
- QCD exotics in the heavy quark sector I: Tools and methods (Prof. Dr. Christoph Hanhart, FZ Jülich, Institute for Nuclear Physics)
RTG Board Meeting
Presentations by PhD Students
- Non-perturbative determination of charm quark mass (Simon Kuberski)
- Matrix field theory (Alexander Hock)
- QCD exotics in the heavy quark sector II: The single heavy sector (Prof. Dr. Christoph Hanhart, FZ Jülich, Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Poster session
Tuesday, 24.09.2019
- QCD exotics in the heavy quark sector III: The QQbar sector (Prof. Dr. Christoph Hanhart, FZ Jülich, Institute for Nuclear Physics)
- Neutrinos and dark matter I (Prof. Dr. Manfred Lindner, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
- Neutrinos and dark matter II (Prof. Dr. Manfred Lindner, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
- Neutrinos and dark matter III (Prof. Dr. Manfred Lindner, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
Presentations by PhD Students
- Investigating the dead cone effect for bottom jets in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13TeV (Katharina Garner)
- Observation of two-neutrino double electron capture in 124Xe with XENON1T (Christian Wittweg)
Informal meeting with Rüdiger Haake
Wednesday, 25.09.2019
Young Researchers' Day
- Neural networks in high energy physics (Dr. Rüdiger Haake, Yale University, New Haven, and CERN)
Climbing Park Activity
Thursday, 26.09.2019
- Neural networks in high energy physics (Dr. Rüdiger Haake, Yale University, New Haven, and CERN)
Closing Discussion, Feedback & Meeting by PhD Students/Postdocs