Tuesday, 08.09.2020
Presentations by PhD Students
- From non-perturbative renormalization to QCD phenomenology (Fabian Joswig)
- The Precision High Voltage and Energy Loss Analysis at the KATRIN Experiment (Caroline Rodenbeck)
- Absolute neutrino mass as the missing link to the dark sector (Sybrand Zeinstra)
- Identified dihadron correlations at high ρΤ (Lucia Husova)
- Studying e+e- annihilations in the search for couplings of exotic charmonia to light hadron final states at BESIII (Johannes Bloms)
- Single LQ production at LHC (Fausto Frisenna)
Wednesday and Thursday, 09. and 10.09.2020
Workshop: Statistical Methods in Particle Physics (Klaus Reygers, Physikalisches Institut, University of Heidelberg)