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Universe's most energetic particles reviewed at GRK 2149 closing event
On January 9, 2025, the Research Training Group 2149 "Strong and weak interactions - from hadrons to dark matter" celebrated nine years of successful education of PhD students with a closing ceremony. "In total 39 PhD students and 10 transition postdocs were generously funded by the DFG," said Prof. C. Weinheimer, spokesperson of the first funding period. "In addition, 23 PhD students were funded from other sources." Prof. M. Klasen, spokesperson of the second funding period, added: "20 of our PhD students continued their academic careers as postdocs at highly prestigious places such as CERN or Stanford University."
The event began with review of the Universe's most energetic particles by Prof. K.H. Kampert from the University of Wuppertal, a Münster alumnus, longtime spokesperson of the Pierre Auger observatory and member of the RTG advisory board, and continued with a party organized by the PhD students.
Universitätsgesellschaft fördert acht Projekte mit insgesamt rund 45.000 Euro
Der Vorstandsvorsitzende Dr. Paul-Josef Patt (links), Rektor Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels (hinten 2. v.r.), der Vorsitzende des wissenschaftlichen Beirats Prof. Dr. Hermann Pavenstädt (rechts) und die Geschäftsstellenleiterin Dr. Barbara Kolany-Raiser (vorne r.) beglückwünschen die Fördermittelempfänger, darunter die Organisatoren des Astroseminar: Justus Kuhlmann, Andria Michael, Peter Risse, Johannes Pirsch, Richard Salomon, Philipp Schulte, Richard von Eckardstein, Tabea Eder und Pia Petrak von den Instituten für Theoretische Physik und Kernphysik.
Dissertationspreis der Universität Münster für Laura Moreno
Für ihre herausragende Doktorarbeit zur Verbesserung der Präzision der theoretischen Vorhersagen für Prozesse am Large Hadron Collider (LHC) hat Laura Moreno Valero aus der AG Kulesza den diesjährigen Dissertationspreis der Universität Münster erhalten.