Subscribing to the BaMa Day mailing list

Heads of working groups which offer bachelor or master theses to physics students can subscribe to the information mailing list for the Student Council’s BaMa Day using this form. We check every application, so please use university addresses (@* exclusively and state your name and institute. For questions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact us at

Email address (@*
Name (Institute)

Password notice: Specifying a password is optional. This password only provides limited security, but it should prevent others from manipulating the subscription. Caution: The password is transmitted in plain text via email! If no password is specified, a random password is generated and sent to the email address specified above as soon as the subscription is confirmed. A password reminder can always be requested by visiting the personal settings page.

Password (repeat)

Legal notice

Double opt-in: After an application is created, an email with a confirmation link is sent to the registered email address. This link must be clicked to activate membership on the mailing list. The application is processed by the administrator only after that.

Data privacy: This is a hidden mailing list, meaning that the list of subscribers can only be viewed by the list administrator. The email addresses are used for no other purpose and not given to third parties under any circumstances.

Manage subscription

Unsubscribe/change email address/request password reminder
Email address which is registered to this mailing list

Administration interface