- Oberseminar: Topics in General Relativity [100173]
(in cooperation with Christopher Kauffman)
[ - | | wöchentlich | Di | Prof. Dr. Gustav Holzegel] - Kolloquium: Colloquium Partial Differential Equations [100342]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christian Seis, Prof. Dr. Hendrik Weber)
[ - | | wöchentlich | Di | Prof. Dr. Gustav Holzegel]
- Kolloquium: Colloquium Partial Differential Equations [108343]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christian Seis, Prof. Dr. Hendrik Weber)
[ - | | wöchentlich | Di | SRZ 203 | Prof. Dr. Christian Seis]
- Seminar: Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics [106171]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Hendrik Weber) - Seminar: Non-linear Wave equations [106170]
(in cooperation with Christopher Kauffman) - Oberseminar: Topics in General Relativity [106169]
(in cooperation with Christopher Kauffman, Dr. Athanasios Chatzikaleas) - Kolloquium: Colloquium Partial Differential Equations [106168]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christian Seis, Prof. Dr. Hendrik Weber)
- Vorlesung: General Relativity and the Analysis of Black Hole Spacetimes [104588]
- Oberseminar: Topics in General Relativity [104589]
(in cooperation with Christopher Kauffman, Dr. Athanasios Chatzikaleas) - Kolloquium: Colloquium Partial Differential Equations [104590]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christian Seis, Prof. Dr. Hendrik Weber)
- Oberseminar: Topics in General Relativity [102114]
(in cooperation with Christopher Kauffman) - Oberseminar: Research Seminar on Partial Differential Equations [102113]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christian Seis, Prof. Dr. Hendrik Weber)
- Vorlesung: Non-Linear Wave equations [100140]
(in cooperation with Christopher Kauffman) - Oberseminar: Research Seminar on Partial Differential Equations [100143]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Christian Seis, Prof. Dr. Hendrik Weber) - Oberseminar: Topics in General Relativity [100142]
(in cooperation with Christopher Kauffman) - Tutorial Non-Linear Wave equations [100141]
(in cooperation with Christopher Kauffman)
- Vorlesung: General Relativity and the Analysis of Black Hole Spacetimes [106701]
- Seminar: Topics in General Relativity [106700]
- Tutorial: General Relativity and the Analysis of Black Hole Spacetime [106549]
(in cooperation with Dr. Olivier Graf, Christopher Kauffman)
- Vorlesung: Non-linear wave equations [104260]
- Oberseminar: Research Seminar on Analysis [104369]
(in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Joachim Lohkamp, Prof. Dr. Angela Stevens, Dr. Sebastian Throm, Prof. Dr. André Schlichting) - Tutorial: Non-linear wave equations [104261]