Research Group Geometry, Topology and Group Theory

Mathematisches Institut, Universität Münster

© AG Kramer

Deutsch English

Prof. Dr. Linus Kramer

(Linus Kramer)

Mathematisches Institut
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Universität Münster
Einsteinstraße 62
48149 Münster (Germany)

Office: 301b
Telephone: (0251) 83 33 726 (please contact me by mail!)
e-mail: linus.kramer AT

Sekretary: Ms Anke Pietsch
Tel (0251) 83 33 901

Office hours

by appointment.

Lectures and Seminar Winter 24/25

Lectures and Seminars Summer 24

Research Interests

Memberships in Editoral Boards

Publications and preprints

Publications, errata, my papers at the arXiv and in the Math Reviews.

Further Information

Curriculum vitae, research grants, math genealogy.

Last modified: 07/11/24, 11:35:28