Wet processing

E-beam preparation wet bench
- Two hotplates
- Spin coater - Polos Spin 150i
- Ultrasonic bath
- DI-water
Contact: Maik Stappers
Location: CeNTech I, preparation zone

Critical Point Dryer - Leica EM CPD300
- Fully automated, reproducible and controlled processes ensure high sample quality every run
- Integrated liquid waste separator ensures safe and easy disposal of exchange fluid avoiding direct contract with user
- Wide variety of sample holders for all sample sizes
Contact: Maik Stappers
Location: CeNTech II, chemistry lab

Photoresist wet bench- Arias
- Photo resist coating and development
- Including a spin coater and a hotplate
Contact: Riya Gupta, Mostafa Amirpour
Reservation mandatory!!
Location: SoN, photolithography zone

Organic material wet bench- Arias
- General organic chemistry
Contact: Riya Gupta, Mostafa Amirpour
Reservation mandatory!!
Location: SoN, photolithography zone