What technical requirements do I need to install the Office package?
Office 365 requires at least Windows 8.1, macOS 10.12, iOS 11, Android 6.0, Windows Phone 10, or a newer version of these operating systems. Office 365 cannot be installed at the same time as other versions of Microsoft Office. At least once a month, your device must be connected to the Internet so that it can automatically check whether your Microsoft Entra-ID is still linked to a valid licence. If your device has no internet access for a longer period of time, the usable functions of the software will be restricted until the next licence confirmation.
What data is shared with whom when I register with Microsoft Entra?
When you register for Microsoft Entra, your first and last name, your university ID and the information that you are a student/employee of Münster University will be transferred to Microsoft. If you also use other licenses via Entra, e.g. Adobe CC (with costs, for employees only), this information is also transmitted to Adobe.
How secure is my data and where is it stored?
When using the web apps, your data is not stored on servers of Münster University, but exclusively with Microsoft. Further information on Microsoft's data security can be found at https://privacy.microsoft.com/de-DE/privacystatement. For some programmes, desktop apps are available as an alternative to the web apps.
What happens to my data if I cancel my Microsoft Entra ID or if my university ID expires?
If your university ID expires (e.g. because you have exmatriculated or your employment contract ends) or you actively cancel your Microsoft Entra ID, your free Office licence will also expire. Your Microsoft user data (Microsoft Entra ID, name, status) will be stored by us and Microsoft for another year. Only after this period has expired will all data be completely and irrevocably deleted. However, you can also remove your data yourself before the deadline in the IT portal under "Licences (software etc.)" and there under "Delete Microsoft Entra data".
What can I use the Microsoft Entra email address for?
The Microsoft Entra email address is the same as the Microsoft Entra ID, which is used exclusively to authenticate your Office 365 account.
What do I do if I have forgotten my Microsoft Entra ID or password?
You can easily find your Microsoft-Entra-ID in the IT Portal under the menu item "Licenses (Software etc.)". There you are also able to set a new Microsoft Entra password.
Can I connect another Microsoft account with the free Microsoft account of the university?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to link the Microsoft account that you have activated via Münster University with another Microsoft account. However, you can store the data created with Office 365 in the cloud storage of a different account.
Who can I contact if I have questions or problems?
For technical and content-related questions about the programmes included in Office 365, please contact the Microsoft Office Support directly.