IT Governance
At the operational level, the CIT (Center for Information Technology) and the IT support units (IVVs) ensure the functioning of the IT systems and services. All facilities have support facilities and direct end-customer contact, whereby the respective IVVs are primarily the first point of contact for employees, while students should first contact the CIT. The IT providers work closely together and coordinate on measures of overarching importance in the decision-making bodies IV Leadership Board and IT Commission. The stakeholders of Münster University are also represented in these bodies, so that user proximity of all measures is ensured.
The Rectorate decides on IT measures of particular importance. It can also award contracts directly to the providers. The Rectorate appoints representatives (CIO, CISO, DPO), who advise them and check the implementation of the decided measures as well as compliance with legal requirements by the providers. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) connects the providers and the decision-making bodies. The Information Security Commission performs inspection functions in the area of IT security. The Data Protection Officer (DPO) works closely with the Information Security Commission to ensure that data protection is maintained at the University of Münster.