Professor Dr. Helene Basu

Studtstr. 21
48149 Münster

  • CV

    Academic Education

    Habilitation im Fach Ethnologie an der FU Berlin
    Promotion im Fach Ethnologie an der FU Berlin
    Studium in Romanistik, Philosophie, Ethnologie, Soziologie, Religionswissenschaft an der FU Berlin
    Magister Artium in Ethnologie, Soziologie, Religionswissenschaft an der FU Berlin


    Professorin der Ethnologie an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) Münster
    Oberassistentin (C2) im Fach Ethnologie an der Freien Universität (FU) Berlin
    Gastprofessorin an der University of Iowa (USA)
    Gastdozentin am Südasieninstitut der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
    Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben im Fach Ethnologie an der FU Berlin
    Wissenschaftlöiche Assistentin im Fach Ethnologie an der FU Berlin

    External Functions

    Mitglied der European Association of Social Anthropology
    Mitglied der American Association of Anthropologists
    Mitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde
  • Teaching


  • Projects

    • Diversifizierung von Mental Health - Therapeutische Orte des brasilianischen Spiritismus (since )
      Own Resources Project
    • SFB 1150 - Teilprojekt A06: Soziale Praktiken und mediale Narrative matrimonialen Entscheidens in Indien ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: SFB 1150/1
    • EXC 212 B2-2 - The Voice as a medium of popular religiosity in India: Religious Pluralism and Practices of Social Distinction ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence
    • EXC 212 - Religion and Politics in Pre-Modern and Modern Cultures ()
      Main DFG-Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence | Project Number: EXC 212/2
    • Tagung (SFB): Mythen und Narrative des Entscheidens ()
      Own Resources Project
    • Vergabe eines Stipendiums zum Zwecke der Dissertation an Jerome Mariadhasan ()
      Individual Granted Project: Provinzial der Schweizer Pallottiner
    • DtInTg – Indo-German International Conference "Gender and Violence in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives" ()
      Scientific Event: DFG - Initiation of International Collaboration | Project Number: FL 933/1-1
    • Wann ist ein Mann ein Mann? - Förderung der Identitätsbildung und des Rollenverständnis bei Jungen und Mädchen in der Migrationsgesellschaft: durch Trainings zur Interkulturellen Kompetenz mit dem Schwerpunkt Geschlechterrollen ()
      Individual Granted Project: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees | Project Number: 26250 20244
    • A New Passage to India_Fehl ab 13 (Modern Indian Cultures and Economies - Interdis. Coop. with TISS) ()
      participations in other joint project: German Academic Exchange Service | Project Number: 56048502
    • Visiting professorship of Prof. Dr. Kamala Ganesh ()
      participations in other joint project: German Academic Exchange Service | Project Number: 56268760
    • EXC 212 C12 - Mental Health at the Interface of Religion and Politics in Contemporary India ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence
    • EXC 212 - Religion and Politics in Pre-Modern and Modern Cultures ()
      Main DFG-Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence
    • Kooperation mit Tata Institute of Social Science Mumbai A New Passage to India ()
      participations in other joint project: German Academic Exchange Service | Project Number: Z 50017137
    • Wahnsinn/Psychische Krankheiten als umstrittenes Feld? ()
      Individual Granted Project: Fritz Thyssen Foundation - Support of Projects
    • Conference "Religion, Healing and Psychiatry" ()
      Scientific Event: Fritz Thyssen Foundation - Support of Conferences | Project Number:
    • Interkulturelle Streitschlichter: Interkulturelle Kompetenz als Schlüsselqualifikation in der Ausbildung von Jugendlichen als Multiplikatorinnen und Multiplikatoren in der Stadtteilarbeit ()
      Individual Granted Project: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend | Project Number: 2625000451/PF-LP-07N
  • Publications

    • , , , , and . . “Einführung.” in Stimmen aus dem Jenseits/Voices from Beyond, edited by Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf. Baden-Baden: Ergon Verlag.

    • . . “Amtsermächtigungen eines Sufi-Heiligen in Gujarat (Indien).” in Rituale der Amtseinsetzung: Inaugurationen in verschiedenen Epochen, Kulturen, politischen Systemen und Religionen, Vol.11 of Religion und politik, edited by Helene Basu and Gerd Althoff. Baden-Baden: Ergon Verlag.
    • Basu, Helene, and Althoff, Gerd, eds. . Religion und politik, Vol.11, Rituale der Amtseinsetzung: Inaugurationen in verschiedenen Epochen, Kulturen, politischen Systemen und Religionen.. Baden-Baden: Ergon Verlag.
    • , and . . “Introduction.” in Madness, Mental Health, Modernity - Madness, Mental Health, Modernity - Psychiatry’s Competition with Religion , edited by Helene Basu, Roland Littlewood and Arne Steinforth.
    • Basu, Helene Littlewood Roland, and Steinforth, Arne, eds. . Madness, Mental Health, Modernity - Psychiatry's Competition with Religion,
    • Basu, Helene, and Althoff, Gerd, eds. . Religion und Politik, Vol.11, Rituale der Amtseinsetzung: Inaugurationen in verschiedenen Epochen, Kulturen, politischen Systemen und Religionen, Baden-Baden: Ergon Verlag.

    • . . “Listening to disembodied voices: anthropological and psychiatric challenges.Anthropology & Medicine, 21: 15.
    • . Forthcoming. “In the Courtroom of Jungle Saints: The Poor and Transcendental Justice.” in The Law of Possession: ritual, healing, and the secular state, edited by William Sax and Helene Basu.
    • , and . Forthcoming. “Introduction: The Law of Possession.” in The Law of Possession: ritual, healing, and the secular state, edited by William Sax and Helene Basu.
    • Sax, William, and Basu, Helene, eds. Forthcoming. The Law of Possession: ritual, healing, and the secular state,
    • . . “Dava and Dua. Negotiating Psychiatry and Ritual Healing of Madness.” in Asymmetrical Conversations. Contestations, Circumventions, and the Blurring of Therapeutig Boundaries, edited by Harish Naraindas, Johannes Quack and William Sax. New York City: Berghahn Books.
    • , and . . “Einleitung.” in Rituale der Amtseinsetzung - Inaugurationen in verschiedenen Epochen, Kulturen, politischen Systemen und Religionen , edited by Helene Basu and Gerd Althoff.
    • . . “Amtsermächtigungen eines Sufi-Heiligen in Gujarat (Indien).” in Rituale der Amtseinsetzung - Inaugurationen in verschiedenen Epochen, Kulturen, politischen Systemen und Religionen , edited by Helene Basu and Gerd Althoff.
    • Basu, Helene, and Althoff, Gerd, eds. . Religion und Politik, Rituale der Amtseinsetzung - Inaugurationen in verschiedenen Epochen, Kulturen, politischen Systemen und Religionen, Baden-Baden: Ergon Verlag.

    • , , , , and . . Sozialtheorie, Moderne und Religion : Kontroversen um Modernität und Säkularisierung,, edited by Ulrich Willems, Detlef Pollack, Helene Basu, Thomas Gutmann and Ulrike Spohn. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    • Basu, Helene Jacobsen Knut, and Malinar, Angelika Narayanan Vasudah, eds. . Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism Vol. V, Leiden: Brill.
    • . . “Comments on 'Morality as a Cultural System?' by Thomas Csordas.Current Anthropology, 54 (5): 536537.
    • . . “Menschen mit MIgrationshintergrund - wer kümmert sich?Frankfurter Forum für gesellschafts- und gesundheitspolitische Grundsatzfragen, 8 (Oktober 2013): 1419.
    • . . “Transformations of Hierarchy.” in The Many Indias, edited by P. Berger and F. Heidemann. London: Routledge.

    • . . “Ethnologie und die Vervielfältigung von Modernität.” in Kontroversen um die Moderne, edited by Helene Basu, Willems U, Gutmann T, Pollack D and Spohn U.
    • Basu, Helene, U, Willems, T, Gutmann, D, Pollak, and U, Spohn, eds. . Kontroversen um die Moderne, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    • , , and . . “Social Anthropology and Transcultural Psychiatry: Contextualizing Multi-Disciplinary Contributions to the 'International Conference on Religion, Healing, and Psychiatry, Münster 2012.” contribution to the International Conference on Religion, Healing, and Psychiatry, Münster, Deutschland
    • , , and . . “Spirits of Envy.” DVD. Münster.
    • Jacobson, Knut, Basu, Helene, Malinar, Angelika, and Narayanan, Vasudha, eds. . Brill´s Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Volume Four. Historical Perspectives. Poets, Teachers, and Saints. Relation to other Religions and Traditions. Hinduism and Contemporary Issue, Leiden: Brill.

    • . “Darstellungen der Psychiatrie in indischen Filmen.Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 136: 6992.
    • Basu, HJacobsen KA, and Malinar A, Narayanan V, eds. . Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Vol.3, Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Volume Three. Society, Religious Specialists, Religious Traditions, Philosophy, Leiden: Brill.

    • Basu, H.Jacobsen K. A, and Malinar A, Narayanan V., eds. . Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism - Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 2 South Asia, Vol.2, Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Volume Two. Sacred Texts, Ritual Traditions, Arts, Concepts, Leiden: Brill.
    • . “Besessenheitskrankheit und Psychiatriereform in der indischen Moderne.” in Prisma und Spiegel. Ethnologie zwischen postkolonialer Kritik und Deutung der eigenen Gesellschaft, Argument Sonderband, edited by D. Schulz and J. Seebode. Hamburg: Argument Verlag.
    • . “Possession.” in Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Volume Two. Sacred Texts, Ritual Traditions, Arts, Concepts, Vol.2 of Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism - Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 2 South Asia, edited by H.Jacobsen K. A Basu and Narayanan V. Malinar A. Leiden: Brill.
    • . “Ethnologische Aspekte der Migration.” in Praxis der interkulturellen Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie : Migration und psychische Gesundheit, edited by W. Machleidt and A. Heinz. Boston, New York, San Diego: Academic Press.
    • . “Navratri Celebrations in Kacchch in the 1990s.” in In The Anthropology of Values. Essays in Honour of Georg Pfeffer, edited by Hardenberg R. Kattner E. Prager Berger P. and .. London: Dorling Kindersley.
    • . “Healing madness through ritual trials.” in In Histories of Intimacy and Situated Ethnography, edited by K. Leonard, G. Reddy and A.G. Gold. New Delhi: Manohar.

    • Basu, HJacobsen KA, and Malinar A, Narayanan V, eds. . Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism., Vol.1, Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism. Volume One. Regions, Pilgrimage, Deities. Leiden: Brill.
    • . “Schmutzige Methoden': Geisteskrank durch Besessenheit und schwarze Magie in Gujarat/Indien.” in Un-Reinheit im Kulturvergleich, edited by A. Malinar, M. Vöhler and B. Seidensticker. Paderborn / München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
    • . “Gujarat.” in Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Vol.1 of Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism, edited by K.A. Jacobson, H. Basu, A. Malinar and V. Narayanan. Leiden: Brill.
    • . “Contested Practices of Control: Psychiatric and Religious Mental Health Care in India.Curare, 32 (1+2): 2839.
    • . . “Soziale und religiöse Dimensionen von Askese in der Gegenwart.” in Hinduismus Reader, edited by Malinar Angelika. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    • . . “Drugs & Prayers – Indian Psychiatry in the Realm of Saints.” DVD. Münster.

    • . . “Music and the formation of Sidi identity in Western India.History Workshop Journal, 65 (1): 161178. doi: 10.1093/hwj/dbm069.
    • . . “Drumming and praying: Sidi at the Interface between Spirit Possession and Islam.” in Struggling with History: Islam and Cosmopolitanism in the Western Indian Ocean, edited by K. Kresse and E. Simpson. New York City: Columbia University Press.
    • . . “Music and the Formation of Sidi Identity in Western India.History Workshop Journal, 65: 161178.
    • Basu, Helene, ed. . Journeys and Dwellings: Indian Ocean Themes in South Asia, Hyderabad: Orient Longman.
    • , and . . “Ecstacy.” in The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Emotion, edited by Corrigan John. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    • , , and . . “Daf Music of Yemeni-Habshi in Hyderabad.” in Journeys and Dwellings. Indian Ocean Themes in South Asia, edited by Helene Basu. Hyderabad: Orient Longman.
    • . “A Gendered Indian Ocean Site: Mai Mishra, African Spirit Possession and Sidi Women in Gujarat.” in Journeys and Dwellings. Indian Ocean Themes in South Asia, edited by Helene Basu. Hyderabad: Orient Longman.
    • . “Introduction.” in Journeys and Dwellings: Indian Ocean Themes in South Asia, edited by H. Basu. Hyderabad: Orient Longman.

    • . “Cultural Practices of Indian Sidis Through The Prism of Indian Ocean Maritime Connections.” in The Ninth Vasanth J. Sheth Memorial Lecture delivered in Mumbai N/A: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag.

    • . . “Practices of Praise and Social Constructions of Identity: The Bards of North-West India.Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions, 50 (130): 81105.
    • . . “Geister und Sufis: Translokale KOnstellation des Islam in zwei Indian Ocean Settings.Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 130 (2): 230249.
    • . . “Politics of Travelling in the Postcolonial Indian Oocean World: Sidi Abdula bin Mubarak's 'My Journey to East Africa'.ZIFF Journal, 2: 4664.

    • . . Von Barden und Königen: Ethnologische Studien zum Gedächtnis und zur Göttin in Kacch (Indien), Lausanne: Peter Lang.
    • . . “Göttin in Indien - Indien als Göttin?Historische Anthropologie, 12 (1): 123133.
    • . . “Riots.Historische Anthropologie, 12 (2): 228242.
    • . . “Redefining Boundaries: Twenty Years at the Shrine of Bava Gor.” in Sidis and Scholars – Essays on African India, edited by Edward Alpers and Amy Catlin. N/A: Sonstiger Verlag / other publisher.
    • . . “Repr. Hierarchy and Emotion: Love, Joy and Sorrow in a CVult of Black Saints in Gujarat, India.” in Religion and Emotion: Approaches and Interpretations, edited by Corrigan John.
    • . . “Ritual Communication: The Case of the Sidi in Gujarat.” in Lived Islam in South Asia. SAdaptation, Accomodation and Conflict, edited by Ahmad, Imtiaz Reifeld and Helmut.

    • . . “Slave, Soldier, Trader, Fakir: Fragments of African Histories in Gujarat.” in The African Diaspora in the Indian Ocean, edited by Jayasurya Shihan de S Pankhurst Richard.

    • . . “Afro-indische Besessenheitskulte im Vergleich (Sidi-Goma in Indian, Zar in Ostafrika, Candomblé in Brasilien).Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 127 (1): 4155.
    • . . “Zeitkonzeptionen im kulturellen Gedächtnis des Rajput-Königtums.” in Vom Herrscher zur Dynastie: Die Entstehung kontinuierlicher Zeitrechnung in den Kulturen der Antike und des Orients, edited by Falk Harry. Bremen: Dr. Ute Hempen.

    • . . “Africans in India : Past and present.Internationales Asienforum. International Quarterly for Asian Studies, 2001 (32): 253274.
    • . . “Globalisation as an Anthropological Problem.Adivasi, 40 (41): 2634.
    • . . “Die Zusammenkunft der Dichter.” in Tohfa-e-.Dil. Festschrift für Helmut Nespital, edited by Dirk Loenne.

    • . “Theatre of memory: Performances of Ritual Kinship of the African Diaspora in Sindh/ Pakistan.” in Culture, Creation and Procreation in South Asia Practice, edited by A. Rao and B. Monika. New York City: Berghahn Books.
    • . . “Localising Memories of Kingship: Paliyo, Chatri and Samadhi in Kacchch.Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society, 35: 18.
    • . . “Local Concepts of Women Ascetics.Journal of Social Sciences, 4 (Special Issue) (4): 313321.
    • . . “Göttinnen-Asketinnen: Individualistinnen in Kutch.” in Tradition im Wandel: Weibliche Religiosität im Hinduismus, Jainismus und Buddhismus, edited by Poggendorf-Kakar K. Guzy L Zinser H. N/A: Sonstiger Verlag / other publisher.

    • . . “Going for Visits with a Woman Fakir: The African Diaspora in Gujarat.ISIM Newsletter, 3 (99): 39.

    • . “Hierarchy and emotion: Love, Joy and Sorrow in a Cult of Black Saints in Gujarat, India.” in Embodying Charisma, edited by P. Werbner and H. Basu. London: Routledge.
    • , and . . Embodying Charisma: Modernity, Locality, and Performance of Emotion in Sufi Cults, London: Routledge.
    • , and . . “Introduction.” in Embodying Charisma, edited by Helene Basu and Pnina Werbner.

    • . . “Muslimische Lachkultur in Gujarat/Indien.” in Kulturen und Innovationen. Festschrift für Wolfgang Rudolph, edited by Georg Elwert, Jürgen Jensen and Ivan Kortt.

    • . . Indus, Vol.1, Habshi-Sklaven, Sidi-Fakire: muslimische Heiligenverehrung im westlichen Indien, Berlin / Tübingen: Verlag Schiler & Mücke.
    • . . “Muslim Shrines as Boudnary Markers of a Cult Region: The Network of Sidi Saints in Western India.” in Pilgrimage: Concepts, Themes, issues, and Methodology, edited by Jha Makhan.

    • . . “Die Heilige und das Weibliche. Geschlechter-KOnstruktionen im indo-muslimischen Sufismus.Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 119: 215227.
    • . . “Heiligengräber und muslimische Bestattungsrituale im westlichen Indien.Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte, 15 (53-60)

    • . . “The Sidi and the Cult of Bava Gor in Gujarat.Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society, 28: 289300.

    • . . “Sidi.” in Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Vol. III, South Asia, edited by Hockings Paul.