- Lecture: Law and Literature (together with Thomas Gutmann).
- [Reduction of teaching workload as dean].
- Doctoral colloquium in the CRC 1385 'Law and Literature' (together with Thomas Gutmann).
- [Reduction of teaching workload as dean].
- Introductory Lecture – Literary Studies (together with Bruno Quast).
- [Reduction of teaching workload as dean].
- Lecture: What does 'interpret' mean?
- Seminar: Faust II.
- [Reduction of teaching workload as dean].
- Lecture: Literature and Secret Knowledge. On the history and function of esoteric communication.
- MA seminar: Faust.
- [Reduction of teaching workload as dean].
- Lecture: On the presentation of war in early modern times and modern times.
- [Reduction of teaching workload as dean].
- Lecture: Literary journalism from the early modern period to the present.
- MA seminar: Hamann's 'Aesthetica in nuce'.
- Lecture: History and theory of the picaresque novel.
- MA seminar: Rhetoric tradition in East and West (together with Thomas Bauer).
- MA seminar: Model Research and Literary Studies (together with Matthias Erdbeer).
- [Reduction of teaching workload as dean].
- [research sabbatical]
- Lecture: The wild, the strange, the race. On the representation of the primitive in literature.
- MA seminar: The stranger in the early modern period (together with Bruno Quast).
- [Reduction of the teaching workload due to the Vice Deanship].
- Lecture: Literature and Opera.
- MA seminar: Literature and Opera in the 18th Century.
- MA seminar: Aristotle's Poetics (together with Kurt Bayertz)
- Lecture: History and theory of the novel.
- MA seminar: Döblin's Berlin Alexanderplatz.
- MA seminar: Heimito von Doderer.
- Lecture: The Enlightenment. Questions and problems of an epoch theory.
- MA seminar: Robinsonades.
- Lecture: Literary crime. On the representation of criminality, court practice and penalsystem in the literature.
- MA seminar: Gottfried Keller's ʻMartin Salanderʼ.
- MA seminar: Depiction of crime in the 18th century.
- BA seminar: Poetry analysis - Rainer Maria Rilke.
- BA exercise: to this.
- Lecture: Theory and history of rhetoric.
- MA seminar: Schiller's ʻWallensteinʼ.
- MA seminar: Gryphius' comedies.
- BA seminar: Wieland's ʻHistory of the Abderites’.
- Lecture: The History of the Wonderful.
- MA seminar: Büchner's ʻWoyzeckʼ.
- BA seminar: Kleist's stories.
- BA exercise: to this.
- Colloquium of the Graduate School 'Practices of Literature' (together with Lars Korten)
- Lecture: Grimmelshausen - life and work.
- MA seminar: Grimmelshausen's satirical writings.
- BA seminar: Grimmelshausen's ʻCourascheʼ.
- BA exercise: to this.
- Lecture: On the history and theory of autobiography.
- MA seminar: German autobiographies of the 18th century.
- MA seminar: Goethe's 'Poetry and Truth'.
- Visiting Lecturer at the University of Washington, Seattle.
- [Research sabbatical.]
- Lecture: Lessing in the European context.
- MA seminar: Lessing's Laocoon.
- MA seminar: Analysis of drama using the example of Lessing's theatre.
- Lecture: Theories of Literature.
- Introductory Lecture – Literary Studies (together with Bruno Quast).
- OS/MA seminar: Taste (block seminar in Rothenberge).
- Lecture: Literature and natural sciences in the early modern period.
- OS/MA Seminar: Power and Aesthetics in the 18th Century.
- Examination colloquium/reflection on academic practice: methods of literary historiography.
- Colloquium of the Graduate School 'Practices of Literature' (together with Mark Stein).
- Lecture: style, style. On the history of style concepts
- OS: Literariness (block seminar in Rothenberge).
- HS: Asianism and Atticism, Mannerism and Classicism.
- Exercise: Forms of sensual storytelling using Sister Monika as an example
- Lecture: History of erotic literature from the early modern period to the 20th century
- HS: The poems Hoffmann von Hoffmannswaldau
- OS: Literature and Morality
- Lecture: 1766/1767.
- OS: Genius and originality.
- OS: Aesthetics from Baumgarten to Hegel (block seminar in Rothenberge, together with Detlef Kremer).
- Lecture: Forms and history of the poem (1620-1750).
- HS: Andreas Gryphius. Poems.
- Exercise: Poetry analysis.
- OS: What does 'rhythm of language' mean?.
- Exam colloquium.
- Lecture: On the relationship between image and text. History and theory.
- HS: Metaphor, Symbol, Allegory in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period (together with Tomas Tomasek).
- Exercise: Picture stories.
- OS: Sign Theory.
- Exam colloquium.
- Lecture: Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Life and work.
- HS: Goethes 'Meister' novels.
- Exercise/HS: Goethe's 'Roman Elegies'.
- OS: Goethe and the development of the aesthetics of autonomy.
- Lecture: History of concepts of modernity.
- Introductory lecture on literature (together with Nine Miedema).
- HS: Gottsched as a reformer.
- OS: Dialogicity (together with Moritz Baßler and Edda Weigand).
- Exercise/HS: Extreme forms of storytelling.
- [Research sabbatical.]
- Lecture: Mimesis and Fiction.
- HS: Narrated crime in the early modern period (together with Hania Siebenpfeiffer).
- Exercise: classics of structuralism.
- PS: E.T.A. Hoffmann's 'Tomcat Murr'.
- Lecture: Cultural theories of the 20th century.
- Introduction to the analysis and interpretation of literary texts: Grimmelshausen's Simplicissimus.
- HS: Georg Philipp Harsdörffer.
- HS: The literary reportage.
- OS: Cultural studies and its methods.
- Lecture: The theater of the 17th century.
- Introduction to the study of modern German literature.
- PS: Schiller's 'The Ghost Seer'.
- HS: Unflat. On the Function of the Indecent in 16th Century Literature.
- Lecture: The man of the 17th century. Foundations of modern anthropology.
- Introduction to the analysis and interpretation of literary texts: The baroque sonnet.
- PS: Pop lyrics. Basics of Metrics.
- HS: Theater in the Theater in the Baroque Age.
- HS: Don Quichotte et le Quichottisme.
- Lecture: Poetics IV (Weimar classics to post-Hegel aesthetics). OS: Aesthetics of Autonomy.
- Lecture: Poetics III (Poetics and Aesthetics from Gottsched to Kant).
- PS II: Karl May's 'Ardistan and Djinnistan'.
- HS: Novalis.
- Lecture: Poetics II (Vernacular Poetics up to Bodmer/Breitinger).
- PS I: Georg Christoph Lichtenberg.
- OS: Language Philosophy in the 18th Century.
- Lecture: Poetics I (from Aristotle to Scaliger).
- HS: Author and Author's Rights 1750-1820.
- Propaedeutic of Modern German Literature; introductory course.
- PS I: Goethe's 'Hermann and Dorothea'.
- Propaedeutic of Modern German Literature; introductory course.
- PS II: Melancholy and Enlightenment.
- PS I: Introduction to literary studies.
- Colloquium: Goethe in Rome (together with Wolfgang Proß).
- PS II: Karl Philipp Moritz and the 'experiential psychology'.
- Excursion: Goethe in Rome (together with Wolfgang Proß).
- Colloquium: The problem of mimesis.
- PS II: Goethe's 'Poetry and Truth'
- PS I: Unica Zürn.
- PS II: Johann Fischart.
- PS I: Gustav Freytag.
- PS II: Text and music in the early modern period using Heinrich Schütz as an example.
- PS I: Christian Weise.
- PS II: Wilhelm Busch.
- PS I: Heimito von Doderer.
- PS II: Metrics and Politics in the 17th and 18th Centuries.
- PS I: Lessing‘s 'Laocoon'.
- PS II: Influence of the 'Gothic Novel' on the German gothic novel of the early 19th century.
- PS I: Christoph Martin Wieland.
- PS II: Daniel Casper von Lohenstein.