Frank Wübbeling

Angela Stevens (Universität Münster): Cross-Diffusion, Aggregation-Equations, and Singularities - an Introduction. Oberseminar Analysis

Wednesday, 25.11.2020 11:00 per ZOOM: Link to Zoom info

Mathematik und Informatik

Cross-diffusion models in biomathematics are of strong interest, e.g. in ecology. A well known example in microbiology is the by now classical Keller-Segel model for chemotaxis. The original system of four PDEs can be reduced to two PDEs: a diffusion equation with strong nonlinear drift for chemotactically moving cells and a reaction-diffusion equation for the attractive chemical agent. In a further reduction this model relates to classical models for self-gravitational collapse. A change of sign for the nonlinear drift relates to semi-conductor equations. Interestingly, the occuring blowup of solutions relates to the biological phenomena of self-organisation. In two spatial dimensions a crucial dichotomy was proved in the 90's, namely blowup of solutions vs. existence of global solutions in dependence of a critical parameter, which relates to the strength of the nonlinear drift or to a critical mass. Proofs depend, e.g. on the Moser-Trudinger inequality and non-trivial stationary states relate to a certain extent to the Gauss-Bonnet formula.

Solving the stationary reaction-diffusion equation for the chemical agent, and plugging it into the diffusion-drift equation, a non-local equation with Newtonian or Bessel potential results. Generalizing these potentials relates to the analysis of by now so-called aggregation equations.

In this talk we present qualitative results on pattern formation within this class of nonlinear equations, including the development of singularities.

Angelegt am 23.11.2020 von Frank Wübbeling
Geändert am 24.11.2020 von Frank Wübbeling
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge
Bridging the Gaps Oberseminar Analysis'