Cultures, Sources and Ideas in the Traditions of Political Advice

© khk

Internationaler Workshop

Donnerstag, 20. April 2023, bis Freitag, 21. April 2023


Käte Hamburger Kolleg (Iduna-Hochhaus)
Raum 7011
Servatiiplatz 9
48143 Münster


Dr. Sophia Mösch
Käte Hamburger Kolleg Münster


bis zum 13. April 2023

via Indico

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A transcultural and trans-epochal collaboration that considers the history of political thought is an ambitious project. New chronological, geographical and analytical frameworks have led to an investment in research exploring the political, religious and legal origins of Europe, and the rich historical legacies between Europe and the East.

Some scholars argue that continuities in intellectual history can only be discerned when adopting a longer perspective. Others stress local and situational power structures when examining intellectual currents in spatial and temporal dimensions. There remains the question of the role traditional categories should play in research on political thought across cultural divides.

This workshop compares cultural systems, sources, and ideas. Regarding cultures, we ask: what can be gleaned from moral instruction about cultural differences in the composition of the actors who defined the dynamics between political-religious authority and legal structures? Regarding sources, we enquire: what do processes of transfer and translation reveal about the trajectories of (re)sources in political thought? Regarding ideas, we investigate: how are they communicated, applied and transformed in political advice, and what are the processes in different cultural contexts? We promote an understanding across national boundaries of terminologies and relate political thought to new work that prompts dynamic questions such as how political advice happened as a process.


Thursday, 20 April 2023

Public Evening Lecture

Sophia Mösch (Münster)
Cultures, Sources and Ideas in the Traditions of Political Advice: A Dynastic Comparison

20.00 | Joint dinner

Friday, 21 April 2023

Sophia Mösch | Welcome address

Session 1 | Cultures

Zachary Chitwood (Mainz)
Philomonachos: Rulership and Monastic Culture in Byzantium and the Eastern Christian World (9th–15th Centuries)

Philippa Byrne (Oxford)
Advising Rulers in Late Twelfth Century Southern Italy: Problems of Receptions and Recensions

10.40 | Coffee break

Session 2 | (Re)Sources

Johannes Pahlitzsch (Mainz)
The Byzantinization of the Melkite Church in the 12th and 13th Centuries and the Translation of Byzantine Law into Arabic

Michael Grünbart (Münster/München)
A Dangerous Business? Giving Advice at the Byzantine Court

12.40 | Lunch break

Session 3 | Ideas

Lester Field (University of Mississippi)
Modern Politische Theologie, not Ancient Πολιτικὴ θεολογία: On the Historical Origin, Evolution, and Incompatibility of Two Ideas

Neguin Yavari (Columbia University)
Content against Context: Mirrors for Princes in a Comparative Frame

15.40 | Coffee break

Closing Keynote

David D’Avray (London/Oxford)
Eine neue soziologische Methodenlehre für die Kulturgeschichte?

16.30–17.00 | Closing Discussion