Dienstag, 21. November 2023
9.00–9.10 (CET)
Andrii Yasinovskyi (Lviv) & Ulrike Ludwig (Münster) | Welcome
Olga Kozubska (Münster) | Introduction
Section 1: Factors of legal unification and pluralism
Chair: Olga Kozubska
Tetiana Hoshko (Lviv)
Changes in the legal ideas of the burghers on the Rus lands of the Polish crown under the influence of the ideas of Renaissance humanism (15th to 17th century)
Veronika Buteyko-Bujon (Paris)
Intersecting realities. The formation of a polycentric legal and juridical system in the Ukrainian lands in the 16th century
11.00–11.30 | Coffee break
Section 2: Religion as a factor of legal unity and pluralism
Chair: Yurii Zazuliak
Mykhailo Tupytsia (Lviv)
From Zamość to Mukachevo: Reception of the Zamość Synod resolutions in the Mukachevo Eparchy in the 18th century
Vitaliy Mykhaylovsky (Kyiv)
Агенти впровадження. Перше покоління судових урядників Руського та Подільського воєводств (1434–1450)
[Agents of implementation. The first generation of legal court clerks in Rus’ and Podolian woivodeships (1434–1450)]
13.00–14.00 | Lunch break
Section 3: The example of Lviv
Chair: Mariana Dolynska
Jürgen Heyde (Leipzig)
Negotiating legal spaces. The Armenian Statute in 16th century Lviv
Olha Hul (Lviv)
Legal pluralism and the jurisdictional conflicts in Lviv in the 16th century
15.30–16.30 | Coffee break
Oksana Vinnychenko (Lviv)
Тестаменти бездітних мешканців Львова у XVII ст.: причини укладення та спосіб розпорядження майном
[Last wills of childless residents of Lviv in the 17th century: Reasons for making and method of disposing of property]
Section 4: Phenomena of legal pluralism in the context of the corporative structure of the society (1)
Chair: Leslie Carr-Riegel
Oleksiy Vinnychenko (Lviv)
Привілей і право в політичному дискурсі шляхти Руського й Белзького воєводств у світлі сеймикових
актів з останньої чверті XVI і першої половини XVII століть
[Privilege and law in the political discourse of the nobility of the Rus’ and Belz woivodeships in the light of acts of the Dietines from the last quarter of the 16th and the first half of the 17th centuries]
Yurii Zazuliak (Lviv)
Abducted women and anxious patriarchs. Abduction of women and ambiguities of noble honour in Galicia (Red Ruthenia) during the 15th–16th centuries
Wednesday, 22 November 2023
Section 5: Phenomena of legal pluralism in the context of the corporative structure of the society (2)
Chair: Anna Paulina Orłowska
Agnieszka Bartoszewicz (Warsaw)
The legal culture of peasants. A case study of the Futoma Bench Court (15th to 16th century)
Jan Jerzy Sowa (Warsaw)
Soldiers and civilians between military and civilian justice in Red Ruthenia and Volhynia in the second half of the 17th century
11.30–12.30 | Lunch break
Section 6: Economic contexts of legal pluralism and legal unity
Chair: Olga Kozubska
Leslie Carr-Riegel (Münster)
Monetary unity and plurality in Rusthenia (1340–1600)
Magdė Vosyliūtė (Leuven)
Defining the legal market space in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 1588–1795: the case study of the Duchy of Samogitia
14.00–14.30 | Coffee break
Alexandr Osipian (Leipzig)
Facilitating international trade and legal pluralism: Armenian law courts in late medieval and early modern Poland-Lithuania.
15.15–16.00 | Final discussion