Eyal Katvan was a Fellow of the Kolleg from July to October 2021.
since 2020 Peres Academic Center
Associate Professor2019 – 2020 Peres Academic Center
Senior Lecturer2018 – 2019 Ono College, Israel
Adjunct Lecturer, Faculty of Law2018 – 2019 Shharey Mishpat College, Israel
Adjunct Lecturer, Faculty of Law2015 Zefat Academic College, Israel
Adjunct Lecturer, Faculty of Law2014 – 2019 Academic Center of Law and Business, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Senior Lecturer2012, 2015 International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain
Visiting Scholar2012 Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA
Scholar in Residence, Hadassah-Brandeis Institute2012 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt
Visiting Researcher2008 - 2014 Academic Center of Law and Business, Ramat-Gan, Israel
LecturerResearch Project
An Exceptionally Exceptional Exception: Family Litigation in Mandatory Palestine Communal-Informal Tribunals
Legal Pluralism is at the core of the Israeli academic literature in the last three decades, especially regarding the exclusive jurisdiction of the Rabbinical Courts over marriage and divorce of Jews in Israel, and their concurrent jurisdiction with the Family (civil) Courts over ancillary family issues in Israel (such as alimony, children maintenance, etc.). The Israeli fascination with Legal Pluralism may be rooted in the long history of these issues, which date back to the Ottomans and then the British Mandate rule in Palestine. A system of communal informal tribunals was set by the Jews in British Mandate Palestine: the Hebrew Court of Peace and the Workers Union tribunal. The co-existence of these tribunals is, in itself, a fascinating case study of legal pluralism. Several dozens of these alternative courts cases dealt with family issues. These issues were usually heard by the District (governmental, civil) Courts or the Rabbinical Courts, in line with their concurrent jurisdiction. This complex configuration was clearly a form of legal pluralism. It may be therefore said that these cases formed an exception of the exception in terms of legal plurality – and an antithesis of unity. The study of these cases will allow for a fruitful discussion about pluralism and unity and about exceptions and rules. The proposed study aims to reveal, for the first time, the content and narratives as reflected in these extraordinary dossiers. This will allow for a better understanding of legal pluralism in Mandatory times – a period in which a foreign ruler set-up the rules in a multi-national-religious-ethnic society, while allowing a plural system.
Selected Publications
Katvan, Eyal, G. Seidman, B. Shnoor, A. Sherr & U. Schultz (Eds.), Oñati Socio-Legal Series 11, No. 2 (2021), Special Issue on “Too much Litigation?” Facts, Reasons, Consequences, and Solutions.
Katvan, Eyal & Boaz Shnoor, Don Quixote de la Corte. Serial Litigants, Emotions, and Access to Justice, in: ibid.
Katvan, Eyal & Boaz Shnoor, Workers’ Honor, Anger and Emotions in Mandate Palestine Informal Courts, in: Law, Society and Cloture (2021) (in Hebrew).
Katvan, Eyal, Shilo M. & Halperin-Kaddari R. (Eds.), One Law for Men and Women. Women, Rights and Law during the British Mandate, Bar Ilan University Press 2010.
Katvan, Eyal, The Medical, Physical and Mental Examinations of Jewish Immigrants to Pre-State Israel, 1919-1938, Dissertation, Bar-Ilan University 2008.