Courses in the winter semester 2021/22

Courses of the departments in the winter semester 2021/22

The following list of courses reflects the breadth of Digital Humanities within the departments of the University of Münster involved in the certificate. Usually, the courses are held in German. For some courses, subject-specific knowledge is required, too, please inform yourself individually. We recommend contacting the respective lecturers, as there may also be limited numbers of participants. If you know of other courses at the University of Münster in which aspects of Digital Humanities are applied or taught and which are open to certificate students, please let us know.

Department 02

Department 08

Department 09

Department 10

Workshops of the Service Center for Digital Humanities Münster

The courses of the SCDH are usually held in German.

Connected Knowledge in the Semantic Web - Digital Methods of Knowledge Networking

26 November 2021, 9:30-15:30
(Immanuel Normann, Mirko Westermeier, Dennis Voltz)

The cognitive process in the humanities and social sciences benefits significantly from the semantic networking of the often very heterogeneous objects of investigation. The spectrum here ranges from very concrete things such as physical objects, people and places to less clearly definable concepts such as work, epoch, ethnic group, etc. to abstract concepts such as idea, theme or world view. The relationships between these things are just as varied (works are produced by people, have a theme, are assigned to an epoch, etc.). The relationships between these objects can be understood as a network of nodes and connections. The digital methods of the "Semantic Web" serve to make such a network explicit and accessible to machine analyses in a variety of ways.

The workshop offers an introduction to the methods and tools of the Semantic Web. Various aspects of digital knowledge networking (modelling, data generation, analysis, visualisation, etc.) will be presented conceptually or demonstrated using various tools. In a practical part, participants will then have the opportunity to try out some of these methods and tools themselves with the support of the tutors.

The workshop is open to all humanities researchers at the University of Münster and students of the Digital Humanities certificate. The number of participants is limited to 20. Participants should bring laptops connected to the WIFI. It is planned to hold the workshop in presence. Please register by 24 November 2021 at

Visualisation and annotation of texts

14 January 2022, 9:30-15:30
(Jan Horstmann, Christian Lück)

Digital work with texts generates data: during digital capture, full-text digitisation/transcription and also during enrichment with metadata in the course of annotation. This data can be visualised in various forms in order to (a) support the work with the texts, (b) generate an overview that would not exist in the successive hermeneutic understanding process or (c) generate or substantiate arguments. Data literacy therefore always includes visual literacy - the ability to critically engage with data visualisations and assess their scientific validity. In the workshop, we want to approach this complex of topics and methods both theoretically, establish a link back to more traditional hermeneutic text work and also annotate texts and visualise text and annotation data in a very practical way. We use low-threshold, web-based tools that do not require any prior technical knowledge.  It is possible to work with your own (machine-readable) texts - but we will also provide sample texts in the workshop.

The workshop is open to all humanities researchers at the University of Münster and students of the Digital Humanities certificate. The number of participants is limited to 20. Participants should bring laptops connected to the WIFI. It is planned to hold the workshop in presence. Please register by 12 January 2022 at