Johannes Kaminski
Johannes Kaminski
© Dziemba

PhD Student
Computational Drug Discovery

Licensed Pharmacist
M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Sciences

Institute of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
Corrensstr. 48
48149 Münster






Research Topic

The exploration, analysis and comparison of chemical compound libraries is an inherent aspect of drug development. In my work I focus on utilization of the Self-organizing Map algorithm for this task. This includes the development of a new implementation specifically tailored to the needs of cheminformatics, enabling it to take advantage of modern compute capabilities as well as novel methods for the analysis of the projected chemical space.


Under the supervision of Prof. Koch, and building on material developed by Dr. Janosch Menke, I teach the introductory course to artificial intelligence for chemists and pharmacists (‘Eine Einführung in die Künstliche Intelligenz’). This course is part of the InterKI WWU initiative and offered during winter semesters.
A practical course building on this introduction is currently under development by me and will be offered starting summer semester 2025.