News & Views

© MPI für molekulare Biomedizin / Gabriele Bixel

New long-term microscopy method shows distinctive feature of bone healing in the skull

Researchers working with biochemist Prof. Ralf Adams have used a highly specialized laser microscope to observe the healing of skull bone and the growth of new blood vessels without co-migrating bone precursor cells in mice. They identified differences to the healing of long bones. The study was carried out in collaboration with trauma surgeon Prof. Richard Stange's team and was published in Nature Communications.

© privat

Self-correction capabilities of developing tissues: New research group at the MPI

Dr. Mauricio Rocha-Martins will head the new independent research group “Embryo Self-correction” at the Max Planck Institute from 1 May, 2024, and is a new member of the Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre. Using the zebrafish and human organoid models, he and his team investigate how cells work together to overcome developmental stress and form healthy organs.

© Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Biomedizin

Research into the role of blood vessels in bone loss: Ralf Adams receives an ERC Advanced Grant

The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded biochemist Ralf Adams a five-year grant which he will use to investigate the role of blood vessels in the age-related loss of bone mass. Results from the funded research will form the basis for future approaches that utilise vascular cells for the prevention of bone loss and the treatment of osteoporosis.

© Andreas van Impel

Insights into how genetic engineering is used in research

Genetic engineering is a powerful tool for the natural and life sciences. Using three organisms – virus, plant and fish – working groups at the University of Münster provide insights into how they use genetic engineering in their research. Examples include the groups of virologist Prof. Stephan Ludwig and developmental biologist Prof. Stefan Schulte-Merker.

© CiM

YouTube playlist: Cells in Motion News & Views

In our videos, scientists provide multifaceted insight into their research and everyday work. They talk about current research questions, their new findings and how these findings were generated. They also talk about their personal motivations, the experiences they have had while on their career path and the framework of the scientific system. The videos are in either English or German and many of them have subtitles available in both languages.