CAPES and DAAD publish new call for doctoral scholarships in Germany

© getty images/ Sezeryadigar

The joint call for applications of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD and the Brazilian funding agency CAPES for doctoral scholarships to pursue research in Germany was recently launched. Candidates from Brazil may choose between three modalities: Full Doctorate, Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees/ Cotutelle as well as Sandwich (up to 12 months). Up to 45 scholarships will be awarded in this call.

Application is possible until 30 September 2022 (17h BRT) via the CAPES website (in Portuguese):

Click here, to see the call

For further information, visit on the following websites:

DAAD Brazil (in Portuguese)

Doctoral Programmes in Germany (Doutorado Pleno)

Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees/ Cotutelle (Doutorado Sanduíche ou Doutorado Sanduíche com Cotutela)

One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates (Doutorado Sanduíche Curto)

CAPES (in Portuguese)