News - 2020

Münster (upm/kk)

Sugars influence cell-to-surface adhesion

Biotechnologists measure the forces with which algae cells adhere to surfaces and move on them
Using TIRF microscopy, Flagella-mediated adhesion can be visualized and analysed.
© Uni MS - Lara Hoepfner

An international team of researchers examined how movement and adhesion in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can be manipulated. To this end, the researchers altered the sugar modifications in proteins on the cell surface. As a result, the so-called adhesion force was also altered. The results have now been published in the open access scientific journal "eLife".

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Münster (upm/kk)

Fünf Forscher aus Münster sind weltweit meistzitiert

"Clarivate Analytics" veröffentlicht Ranking 2020
Prof. Dr. Jörg Kudla
© Uni MS - Peter Grewer

Zu den weltweit meistzitierten Forschern gehören fünf Professoren der WWU: Laut dem Zitations-Ranking 2020 des US-amerikanischen Konzerns "Clarivate Analytics" sind Prof. Dr. Armido Studer, Prof. Dr. Frank Glorius, Prof. Dr. Helmut Baumgartner, Prof. Dr. Stefan Evers und Prof. Dr. Jörg Kudla dabei.

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Münster (upm/kk)

Watching changes in plant metabolism – live

Researchers use a new method of in vivo biosensor technology / Study published in "The Plant Cell"
Young thale cress seedling (Arabidopsis thaliana) with the fluorescent biosensor in its cells. The false colour image shows the redox status of the NAD pool in the cells and tissue. Rainbow scale from blue (oxidized NAD pool) to red (reduced NAD pool).
© Plant Energy Biology Lab/Janina Steinbeck

Researchers at Münster University are studying key mechanisms in the regulation of energy metabolism in plants and, using a new method of in vivo biosensor technology, they have opened the door to monitoring, in real time, what effects environmental changes have on the central redox metabolism. The study has appeared as an advance publication in the journal "The Plant Cell".

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Münster (upm/sr)

Enzymes as double agents: new mechanism discovered in protein modification

Plant researchers identify eight new enzymes which become doubly catalytically active and can play a role in photosynthesis
© W. V. Bienvenut/ Molecular Systems Biology

Proteins take on an important function in photosynthesis. In order to be able to work purposefully, they change their chemical form after they have been produced in a cell. The role of the “driver” is played by enzymes. Researchers have now identified enzymes, which facilitate reactions in a twofold way. The study has been published in “Molecular Systems Biology”.
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| Münster (upm/sr)
Münster (upm/sr)

View into plant cells: A membrane protein is targeted to two locations

Scientists discover a further role of the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway for plant reproduction / Study in "The Plant Cell"
© lehic / Adobe Stock

A metabolic pathway that has occupied plant scientists for decades is the oxidative pentose-phosphate pathway, which leads to the conversion of carbohydrates into energy equivalents. Researchers at Münster Universityfound that an important membrane protein is distributed to two cell organelles simultaneously, to provide reduction power at both locations.

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| Münster (bmm)
Münster (bmm)

The invisibility cloak of a fungus

A fungal pathogen uses an enzyme to hide from the human immune system / Study in PNAS
© Uni MS - Martin Bonin

The human immune system can easily recognize fungi because their cells are surrounded by a solid cell wall of chitin and other complex sugars. Researchers at Münster University found that a fungal pathogen, Cryptococcus neoformans, uses an enzyme to hide from the human immune system. The study was published in the journal "PNAS".

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| WWU (bmm)
WWU (bmm)

Patterns matter

Deciphering the sugar code...
Deciphering the sugar code...
© Uni MS - AG Moerschbacher

Not only DNA and proteins, complex sugars also speak their own language/study in JACS

Chitosans are probably the most versatile and promising functional biopolymers. Chitosans can make plants resistant to diseases, promote their growth, and protect them from heat or drought stress. Under chitosan dressings, even large wounds can heal without scars, chitosan nanoparticles can transport drugs across the blood/brain barrier, and chitosans can replace antibiotics in animal fattening as antimicrobial and immunostimulating feed additives. But of course, chitosans are not miracle cures either: there are many different chitosans, and for each application you have to find exactly the right one if it is to work. Unfortunately, we still understand far too little which chitosan has which effect and how the different chitosans unfold their effects. Only when we understand this, when we understand the "language" of chitosan, we can use it in a targeted way. Researchers from Münster have
now come a long way towards achieving this goal...