The Centre for Biology Education provides subject-matter-education modules tailored for the teacher training courses within the Department of Biology. Emphasizing contemporary educational philosophies, digital technologies, and current methodologies, these modules facilitate the delivery of biological knowledge and competencies. Key skills, crucial for project management, are seamlessly integrated into both the teacher training and the BSc and MSc study programs. Among these are modules titled "Schlüsselkompetenzen" and "Projektmanagement", specifically crafted for students enrolled in bioscience study courses. Venturing into organismic biology, the Centre offers zoological and botanical identification exercises and an introductory module in natural sciences. Within this context, pioneering higher education teaching strategies are employed. For instance, in the introductory natural sciences module, freshman student teachers receive mentorship from experienced BSc students from advanced semesters, participants of the Schlüsselkompetenz module. Furthermore, the Centre for Biology Education innovates in the orchestration, execution, and reflection of the hands-on teaching components of the teacher training courses. This innovation extends to tandem teaching endeavors, uniting subject-matter-education connoisseurs and subject experts from the Department of Biology, as manifested in the Teaching and Learning Laboratory for Human Biology, explorations of local habitats, and the School-Meets-Science program.