Welcome to the Asian Studies Centre at the University of Münster

The Asian Studies Centre is based at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Münster and was founded in 2024. It aims at networking scholars, students, and employees interested in Asia, who do research on Asia, or who are from Asia, to bundle their wide-ranging interests and competencies and make use of otherwise unknown synergies. [more]

News & events

| Party
Chinese New Year's celebration 2025 Flyer
© Uni MS - Asienzentrum

Chinese New Year's celebration

The Asian Studies Centre invites you to the Chinese New Year's celebration on 22 January 2025! Students are welcome to join us in the Baracke (see Campus Map) from 7 PM to celebrate the Year of the Snake. There will be a drinks sale on site as well as an Asian bring-along buffet. Please register at asienzentrum@uni-muenster.de.

| Workshop
Empire in Translation
© Thorsten Probst

Workshop "Empire in Translation": Perso-Arabic Knowledge and the Making of Early Modern Ottoman Civilisation

From January 15 to 17, the workshop "Empire in Translation: Perso-Arabic Knowledge and the Making of Early Modern Ottoman Civilization" will take place at the University of Münster. This is the first of two workshops organized by TRANSLAPT in 2025.

The event will feature contributions from numerous scholars discussing translations between Arabic, Persian, and Ottoman Turkish as various forms of adaptation, imitation, rewriting, and repurposing of texts within the early modern Ottoman manuscript culture.

The three-day workshop will open with a lecture by Johanna Pink on the topic "The Nation in Translation."

| Lecture series
Lecture series “History and culture of the Palestine region”
© Natalie Kraneiß

Lecture series “History and culture of the Palestine region”

The Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies is organising a lecture series on "History and Culture of the Palestine Region" in the winter semester 2024/25, which is aimed at students and members of the University of Münster as well as the interested public. We look forward to welcoming many visitors!
Some lectures will also be broadcast via Zoom. You will find the link to register after the respective lecture title. You will receive the access data as soon as your registration has been confirmed.

The programme [in German]:
17.10.2024 | Palästina verstehen – Prof. Dr. Alexander Flores (Zoom registration)
31.10.2024 | Palästina auf Münzen – Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer & Prof. Dr. Achim Lichtenberger (Zoom registration)
14.11.2024 | Gaza, Hebron und Tiberias: Vormoderne Stadtansichten und Erinnerungsorte – Prof. Dr. Syrinx von Hees (Zoom registration)
12.12.2024 | Sehnsucht und Anspruch: Die Heiligkeit des Heiligen Landes für Juden, Christen und Muslime – Prof. Dr. Gudrun Krämer (Zoom registration)
09.01.2025 | Die osmanische Moscheebibliothek des al-Jazzār in Akka – Prof. Dr. Konrad Hirschler (Zoom broadcast still unclear)
16.01.2025 | „Wir haben ein Land aus Worten“ : Palästinensische Literatur zwischen Politik und Ästhetik – Dr. Barbara Winckler (Zoom broadcast still unclear)

The lectures will take place in Schloss Münster, Schlossplatz 2, lecture room S 2 and will start at 6.15 PM.