Welcome to the Asian Studies Centre at the University of Münster

The Asian Studies Centre is based at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Münster and was founded in 2024. It aims at networking scholars, students, and employees interested in Asia, who do research on Asia, or who are from Asia, to bundle their wide-ranging interests and competencies and make use of otherwise unknown synergies. [more]

News & events

© Suda, Kimiko; Köhler, Jonas

Fokusbericht Antiasiatischer Rassismus in Zeiten der Pandemie

This report presents empirical fndings from the mixedmethods study „Social cohesion in times of crisis. The corona pandemic and anti-Asian racism in Germany“ and discusses them in the context of the historical background such as German colonialism and the current academic and public perception of anti-Asian racism. The results are based on a quantitative survey with 703 participants and a qualitative diary study with 82 participants from Asian, Asian-diasporic and Asian German communities in autumn/ winter 2020. The report focuses on the extent, forms, places, consequences and handling of anti-Asian racism during the pandemic from the perspective of people perceived as „Asian“ in Germany. Another key topic is the intersection of anti-Asian racism with the structural category of gender. Furthermore, the results of a quantitative survey (three waves) aimed at the general German population are summarised. The question was which socio-psychological factors can promote anti-Asian racism.

| Scholarships
Flag of Taiwan, Republic of China
© Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Taiwan Fellowship 2025

With the Taiwan Fellowships, the Taiwanese government supports research stays by academics in the social sciences and humanities for a period of 3 to 12 months. The application phase for 2025 runs until 30 June 2024. Further information can be found on the website.

| Scholarships
Flag of Japan
© Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) - Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) awards research fellowships for stays in Japan for postdocs from all disciplines. Research stays from 1 to 12 months (Short-term Postdoctoral Fellowships) and from 12 to 24 months (Standard Postdoctoral Fellowships) are funded. Further information can be found on the Humboldt Foundation website.