Oberseminar: Riemann surfaces and topological recursion
WS 2019/2020
Datum |
Sprecher |
Titel |
30.10.2019 |
Raimar Wulkenhaar |
The Bochner-Minlos Theorem
06.11.2019 |
Jörg Schürmann |
Introduction to Riemann surfaces |
20.11.2019 |
A. Hock |
Maps of discrete surfaces and Tutte's equations |
27.11.2019 |
Johannes Branahl
Duality between riboon graphs and maps of discrete surfaces |
11.12.2019 |
Jörg Schürmann |
Introduction to Riemann surfaces, part II |
19.12.2019 |
Jörg Schürmann |
Introduction to holomorphic vector bundles |
15.01.2020 |
Jörg Schürmann |
Chern classes of holomorphic line bundles |
SoSe 2019
19.06.2019 |
Raimar Wulkenhaar |
Über die Lösung quartischer Matrixmodelle |
WS 2018/19
17.10.2018 |
Severin Barmeier |
DG Lie algebras and L-infinity algebras in deformation theory |
07.11.2018 |
Severin Barmeier |
Diagrams of algebras, categories of coherent sheaves and deformations |
14.11.2018 |
Severin Barmeier |
Diagrams of algebras, their deformations and applications to geometry |
21.11.2018 |
Helmut Hamm |
Chow groups and formal completion |
28.11.2018 |
Christian Gorzel |
Conic-line arrangements and the Miyaoka-Kobayashi inequality |
05.12.2018 |
Raimar Wulkenhaar |
Über einen möglichen Verwandten des Kontsevich-Modells |
12.12.2018 |
Jörg Schürmann |
On Ginzburg's bivariant Chern classes for singular spaces |
19.12.2018 |
Raimar Wulkenhaar |
Über einen möglichen Verwandten des Kontsevich-Modells, II |
SoSe 2018
18.04.2018 |
Peng Zhou |
Deformation of constructible sheaves and Coherent-Constructible Correspondence |
24.04.2018 |
Leonard Mihalcea |
Chern classes of Schubert cells, stable envelopes, and positivity |
25.04.2018 |
Thomas Goller |
Cobordism formulas for finite Quot schemes |
09.05.2018 |
Hans Franzen |
Algebraicity of cohomology for quiver Grassmannians |
18.05.2018 |
Aran Tattar |
On Gorenstein k-categories |
30.05.2018 |
Helmut Hamm |
Weil divisor class groups for singular varieties |
27.06.2018 |
Florian Beck (Hamburg) |
Calabi-Yau orbifolds over Hitchin bases |
04.07.2018 |
Lutz Hille |
The music of spherical complexes |
11.07.2018 |
Dominik Leukers |
Recursions and dimension formulas for irreducible components of representation spaces |
18.07.2018 |
Severin Barmeier |
A Lie theoretical approach to Homological Mirror Symmetry |
WS 2017/18
Jeanne Scott, BFZ mutation and spin structures for surfaces
Helmut Hamm, On Stein factorization
Nicolo Sibilla, The topological Fukaya category and mirror symmetry for toric Calabi-Yau threefolds
Dominik Leukers, Algebras with irreducible representation spaces
Changjian Su, Macdonald and Casselman-Shalika formulas from equivariant K-theory
Severin Barmeier, Deformations of diagrams via L-infinity algebras and applications to geometry
Olaf Schnürer, Conservative descent for semi-orthogonal decompositions
Helge Ruddat, Duality of polyhedral cones and mirror symmetry for algebraic curves
Julia Sauter, On special tilting modules for endomorphism rings of generators
Oliver Lorscheid, Representation type via quiver Grassmannians
SoSe 2017
Laurentiu Maxim, Topology of very affine varieties
Dirk Kussin, What is a tube?
Dirk Kussin, The order of the Auslander-Reiten translation on a tube
David Ploog, Rigid and negative divisors on surfaces
WS 2016/17
Andreas Krug, On the McKay correspondence for Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
Dominik Leukers, Irreducible components of representation spaces via semisimple sequences
Jörg Schürmann, Examples of triangulated categories with a selfdual t-structure I
Jörg Schürmann, Examples of triangulated categories with a selfdual t-structure II
Lutz Hille, Universelle Erweiterungen und die Auslander-Algebra von k[T]/T^n I
Lutz Hille, Universelle Erweiterungen und die Auslander-Algebra von k[T]/T^n II
Angela Holtmann, Mutations of quivers with potentials and their representations
Lutz Hille, Derived equivalences from mutations of quivers with potential
Julian Külshammer, Spherical objects and the higher cluster category of the cyclic apeirotope
Dominik Leukers, Quantum cluster algebras
Helmut Hamm, Weil divisors on singular spaces
Christian Gorzel, Konstruktion singulärer algebraischer Kurven
Mark Blume, Moduli spaces for certain bipartite quivers
Jörg Schürmann, Positivity of quantum cluster coefficients I
Jörg Schürmann, Positivity of quantum cluster coefficients II
Severin Barmeier, Moduli of vector bundles on local surfaces and non-commutative deformations
SoSe 2016
Jörg Schürmann, Vorbesprechung: Hodge Theorie für Köcherdarstellungen und Positivität für (Quanten-) Cluster Algebren
Dominik Leukers, The Caldero-Chapoton formula for cluster variables in type A-D-E
Christian Gorzel, Zur Klassifikation maximierender Sextiken
Markus Reineke, Intersection cohomology of quiver moduli and motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants I
Talks in Bochum
Stephen Coughlan, Exceptional collections of line bundles on some surfaces of general type
Jörg Schürmann, An introduction to the formal calculus of mixed Hodge modules
Sven Meinhardt, Intersection cohomology of quiver moduli and motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants II
Sven Meinhardt, Intersection cohomology of quiver moduli and motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants III
Ulrike Hansper, The canonical decomposition of dimension vectors of quivers - an algorithm by Weyman and Derksen
David Ploog, Abelian tilting for chains of negative curves I
Lutz Hille, Abelian tilting for chains of negative curves II
Hagen Meltzer, Nilpotent operators for vector spaces with invariant subspaces and weighted projective lines
Eleonore Faber, Noncommutative resolutions of discriminants of reflection groups
Magdalena Boos, Finiteness of parabolic conjugation (with representation-theoretic methods)
Severin Barmeier, Classical deformations of local surfaces and their moduli of vector bundles
WS 2015/16
Dominik Leukers, Coxeter Systems and Noncrossing Partitions of Classical Type A
Marius Möller, Strong exceptional sequences on toric Fano varieties
Angela Holtmann, Introduction to Coxeter Groups
Marius Möller, Strong exceptional sequences on toric Fano varieties II
Ana Ros Camacho, Orbifold equivalence and quivers
Christian Gorzel, Invariant theory of Coxeter groups
Mark Blume, Quivers and moduli spaces of pointed curves of genus zero
Nathan Broomhead, Thick subcategories via geometric models
Lars Kastner, Greyscale pictures and the Klein bottle
Helmut Hamm, Integrable connections for vector bundles on singular spaces
Dominik Leukers, Counting maximal faces of cluster complexes
SoSe 2015
Dominik Leukers, Projective presentations and canonical decomposition I
Marius Möller, Chow quotients and GIT quotients of toric varieties
Jörg Schürmann, Singular Todd classes of tautological sheaves on Hilbert schemes of points on a smooth surface I
Dominik Leukers, Projective presentations and canonical decomposition II
Jörg Schürmann, Singular Todd classes of tautological sheaves on Hilbert schemes of points on a smooth surface II
Helmut Hamm, Divisorenklassengruppen affiner vollständiger Durchschnitte
Lars Kastner, Ext-modules on cyclic quotient singularities
Mark Blume, Overview
Jörg Schürmann, Chow varieties and Chow quotients I
Jörg Schürmann, Chow varieties and Chow quotients II
Marius Möller, Chow quotients of toric varieties I
Marius Möller, Chow quotients of toric varieties II
Helmut Hamm, Graßmann-Mannigfaltigkeiten und Schubert-Kalkül I
Helmut Hamm, Graßmann-Mannigfaltigkeiten und Schubert-Kalkül II
Mark Blume, Lie complexes and the Chow quotient of the Grassmannian
Mark Blume, Matroid decomposition of the hypersimplex and the secondary variety of a product of simplices I
Mark Blume, Matroid decomposition of the hypersimplex and the secondary variety of a product of simplices II
Mark Blume, Projective configurations and the Gelfand-MacPherson correspondence
SoSe 2014
Helmut Hamm, Zur Kohomologie T-symmetrischer Differentialformen auf vollständigen Durchschnitten
Lutz Hille, On the number of tilting modules for Dynkin quivers via polytopes
Sira Gratz, Cluster algebras of infinite rank as colimits
Mark Blume, Secondary polytopes I
Xia Liao, Chern classes of logarithmic derivations for free divisors
Marius Möller, On the equations and classification of toric quiver varieties
Mark Blume, Secondary polytopes II
Sarah Scherotzke, Quiver Varieties and their stratification
Helmut Hamm, Schurfunktoren
Helmut Hamm, Darstellungsringe und symmetrische Funktionen
Lutz Hille, On the number of tilting modules for quivers of type A and polytopes
Dominik Leukers, Cluster characters for cluster categories with infinite-dimensional morphism spaces
Jörg Schürmann, Purity of the cohomology of vanishing cycles
17.04. Mark Blume, A-infinity algebras
24.04. Christian Gorzel, Wendepunktkonfigurationen höherer Ordnung
08.05. Jörg Schürmann, Characteristic classes of singular toric varieties
05.06. Ivan Penkov, Categories of tensor representations for sl(∞), o(∞), sp(∞)
12.06. Julian Külshammer, Exact Borel subalgebras via A-infinity categories
19.06. Lutz Hille, Generische k[T]-Modulhomomorphismen und verwandte Probleme
17.07. Greg Stevenson, Duality for complete intersections
WS 2012/13
16.10. Marius Möller, Maximal Cohen-Macaulay Modules on Toric Varieties
07.11. Jörg Schürmann, Charakteristische Klassen singulärer Räume, eine Übersicht
14.11. Christian Gorzel, Primitive Monodromie und Faktorisierung von f(x) - g(y)
28.11. Lutz Hille, Kippmoduln über der Auslander-Algebra von k[T]/T^t
29.11. Tobias Finis, Ein Approximationssatz für Kongruenzuntergruppen
05.12. Helmut Hamm, Stratifizierte Morsetheorie und Kohomologie konstruierbarer Garben
12.12. Matthias Löwe, Limit laws in Random Matrix Theory
19.12. Lutz Hille, Darstellungen von Köchern und Aktionen algebraischer Gruppen mit dichtem Orbit
09.01. Le Dung Trang, The Vanishing Polyhedron
16.01. David Pauksztello, Die Mittelung der t-Strukturen und Erweiterungsabschluss der Aisles
23.01. Pawel Sosna, On the Jordan-Hölder property for geometric derived categories
WS 2011/12
17.11. Helmut Hamm, Vollständige Durchschnitte in Graßmann-Mannigfaltigkeiten
01.12. Sefi Ladkani, Mutation classes of quivers with constant number of arrows and derived equivalences
12.12. Tarig Abdelgadir, Refined representations of the McKay quiver
Seminar on Cohen-Macaulay modules and Gorenstein rings
with Leibniz Universität Hannover
Friday, 10 am - 5 pm.
First meeting, November 18, Münster
David Ploog, Cohen-Macaulay modules and Gorenstein rings, chapter 1-4, I
Nathan Broomhead, Cohen-Macaulay modules and Gorenstein rings, chapter 1-4, II
Marius Möller, Commutative Examples
Second meeting, December 16, Münster
Peter Schneider, Maximal Cohen-Macaulay approximations, chapter 5
Lutz Hille, Tate cohomology, chapter 6
Tarig Abdel Gadir, Multiplicative structure, duality and support, chapter 7, I
Third meeting, January 13, Münster
David Pauksztello, Multiplicative structure, duality and support, chapter 7, II
Johannes Schneider, First examples, chapter 8, II
Mark Blume, Beilinson-Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand theory, chapter 9
Andreas Hochenegger, Applications, chapter 10 / Orlov
SoSe 2011
26.5. Srikanth Iyengar, Detecting flatness over smooth bases
24.6. Hans Herbig, On deformations of Singular Poisson Algebras
30.6. Nils Carqueville, Deformations to curved A-infinity-algebras in Landau-Ginzburg models
14.7. Chris Brav, Ping-pong and exceptional vector bundles
Seminar on toric stacks
with LU Hannover, RU Bochum, FU Berlin, BU Wuppertal
Friday or Saturday, 10 am - 5 pm.
First meeting, May 20, Münster
Marius Möller, Toric varieties as global quotients
Agnieszka Bodzenta, The functor of smooth toric varieties via Delta-collections
Martin Bender, Toric orbifolds
Mark Blume, Cox's Delta-collections for toric orbifolds
Second meeting, June 18, Hannover
Andreas Hochenegger and Markus Perling, Picard group and integral Chow ring
Nathan Broomhead and David Ploog, K-theory of toric orbifolds
Third meeting, July 9, Bochum
Jörg Schürmann, Toric orbifolds via root constructions
Lutz Hille, DM tori and toric DM stacks
Mark Blume, Toric DM stacks as gerbes over their rigidification
WS 2010/11
20.10. Marius Möller, Harder-Narasimhan-Filtration
27.10. Christian Heine, Introduction to Quivers and Dimer Models I
03.11. Lutz Hille, Introduction to Quivers and Dimer Models II
10.11. David Ploog, Derivierte Automorphismen von torischen Flächen
17.11. Lutz Hille, Introduction to Quivers and Dimer Models III
24.11. Markus Reineke, q-hypergeometric functions, Euler products and Cohomological Hall Algebras
01.12. Jörg Schürmann, Erzeugende Funktionen von Invarianten symmetrischer Produkte
08.12. Angela Holtmann, Koszul, twisted Calabi-Yau algebras and superpotentials
15.12. Nathan Broomhead, Dimer models and noncommutative crepant resolutions
12.01. Mark Blume, Losev-Manin moduli spaces and toric stacks
19.01. Johannes Schneider, Reflexive Simplizes und Gewichtssysteme
26.01. Karin Baur, Orbit structure in the nilradical of a parabolic subgroup
02.02. Felix Dietlein, Spectral Properties in Auslander-Reiten-Theory encoded by Preprojective Algebras
09.02. Andreas Hochenegger, Constructing exceptional sequences on toric varieties
09.03. Alastair King, Mysterious duality
SoSe 2010
14.04. Mark Blume, Losev-Manin moduli spaces
28.04. Angela Holtmann, Modulräume von Darstellungen endlich dimensionaler Algebren
05.05. Lutz Hille, Modulräume von Köcherdarstellungen I
12.05. Mark Blume, Torische Köchervarietäten I
19.05. Mark Blume, Torische Köchervarietäten II
02.06. Jörg Schürmann, Donaldson-Thomas Invarianten I
09.06. Jörg Schürmann, Donaldson-Thomas Invarianten II
16.06. Johannes Schneider, Reflexive Polytope; Marius Möller, Köcherpolytope
23.06. Lutz Hille, Christian Heine, Aktionen von Borel-Gruppen
07.07. Lutz Hille, Modulräume von Köcherdarstellungen II