Now let with
known and Q a diagonal matrix whose
entries we denote by
. Let
be a solution to
with the first unit vector. We consider the inverse problem of
recovering Q from
Again we make use of the transmutation L from Theorem 2.1. Multiplying (4.1) with E L we obtain from (2.1)
Thus the vectors satisfy
i.e. in components
is tridiagonal we can show that for
We use induction with respect to k. The case k = 0 is obvious.
Assume that (4.3) is correct for some k with
. From (4.2) we get
For the evaluation of , we
need only the first n-k components of
tridiagonal. Thus, by the induction hypothesis,
This is (4.3) for k+1. Hence (4.3) is established.
Since the first row of L is we also have
This combines with (4.3) to yield, for ,
Introducing the row vector
we have
With the (n,n)-matrices
(4.4) simply reads
Note that is upper triangular with diagonal elements
Thus is invertible provided that
which determines Z by the data.
The relations can be written as
We finally obtain
Since T is tridiagonal and , U is upper triangular, its
diagonal entries being
Thus L, U can be determined simply by doing an L U-decomposition
on the matrix , with the diagonal of U being known.
Once L, U are known there is a variety of ways to find Q. For instance
we can compute from
which is (4.4) for .
from which can be computed recursively since
. This solves the
inverse evolution problem.