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Parallel geometry in the plane

In this case the 2D Radon transform tex2html_wrap_inline3230 is sampled for tex2html_wrap_inline3232 , tex2html_wrap_inline3234 , tex2html_wrap_inline3236 and tex2html_wrap_inline3238 , tex2html_wrap_inline3240 . Here tex2html_wrap_inline3242 is the radius of the reconstruction region, i.e. we assume f(x) = 0 for tex2html_wrap_inline3246 , tex2html_wrap_inline3248 . This means that the measured rays come in p parallel bundles with directions evenly distributed over tex2html_wrap_inline3252 , each bundle consisting of 2q+1 equispaced lines. This was the scanning geometry of the first commercial scanner for which Hounsfield received the Nobel prize in 1979. This geometry has been replaced by more efficient ones in present day's scanners (see below), but it is still used in scientific and technical imaging.

We evaluate the integral in (2.2) by the trapezoidal rule:


The accuracy of this approximation can be assessed by sampling theory, according to which the trapezoidal rule for an inner product is exact provided the stepsize h satisfies the Nyquist criterion, i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline3166 where tex2html_wrap_inline3128 is the bandwidth of the factors in the inner product. In our case the first factor is tex2html_wrap_inline3262 (as a function of s) which has bandwidth tex2html_wrap_inline3128 . The second factor is tex2html_wrap_inline3268 (again as a function of s). This is our data and does not, in general, have finite bandwidth. At this point we have to make an assumption.

We assume f to be essentially band-limited with essential bandwidth tex2html_wrap_inline3128 . The nD Fourier transform of f and the 1D Fourier transform Rf (with respect to the second variable) are interrelated by


This is the famous (and easy to prove) ``projection'' or ``central slice'' theorem of computerized tomography. In the present context we need it only to deduce that f and g = Rf have the same (essential) bandwidth. Thus the s-integral in (2.2) is accurately represented by the tex2html_wrap_inline3288 -sum in (2.4) provided that the stepsize tex2html_wrap_inline3290 in that sum satisfies the Nyquist criterion tex2html_wrap_inline3166 . In other words,


The condition for the number p of directions which makes the j-sum in (2.4) a good approximation for the tex2html_wrap_inline3298 -integral in (2.2) is less obvious. Based on Debye's asymptotic relation for the Bessel functions one can show that the essential bandwidth of Rf as a function of tex2html_wrap_inline3302 , tex2html_wrap_inline3056 , is tex2html_wrap_inline3306 , see Natterer (1986). The stepsize h for the tex2html_wrap_inline3298 -integral being tex2html_wrap_inline3312 the Nyquist criterion requires tex2html_wrap_inline3314 , i.e.


(2.6), (2.7) are the conditions for a good accuracy in (2.4), assuming f to be zero outside the ball of radius tex2html_wrap_inline3242 and essentially band-limited with bandwidth tex2html_wrap_inline3128 .

The double sum in (2.4) has to be evaluated for each reconstruction point x. This leads to an unbearable complexity. This complexity can be reduced by introducing the function


Then, (2.4) reads


This requires only a simple sum for each reconstruction point x, at the expense of an additional interpolation in the second argument of h. In most cases linear interpolation suffices (but nearest neighbour does not!). This leads us to the filtered backprojection algorithm.

Algorithm 1 (Filtered backprojection algorithm for standard parallel geometry.)

The values tex2html_wrap_inline3332 , tex2html_wrap_inline3236 , tex2html_wrap_inline3240 ,

g is the 2D Radon transform of f.

Step 1:
For tex2html_wrap_inline3236 carry out the discrete convolution


Step 2:
For each reconstruction point x, compute the discrete



where k = k(j,x) and tex2html_wrap_inline3352 are determined by


tex2html_wrap_inline3356 is an approximation to f(x).

The algorithm depends on the parameters p, q and on the choice of tex2html_wrap_inline3364 . It is designed to reconstruct a function f with support in tex2html_wrap_inline3368 and with essential bandwidth tex2html_wrap_inline3128 i.e. the spatial resolution of the algorithm is tex2html_wrap_inline3146 . The conditions (2.6), (2.7) should be satisfied. A few remarks are in order.

The condition (2.6) has to be strictly satisfied. Otherwise the s integral in (2.2) is not even approximately equal to the tex2html_wrap_inline3288 sum in (2.4), leading to unacceptable errors.
If (2.7) is not satisfied, the reconstruction is still accurate for tex2html_wrap_inline3378 .
Filter functions tex2html_wrap_inline3364 whose ``kernel sum''


does not vanish should not be used, see Natterer and Faridani (1990).

Usually linear interpolation in step 2 is sufficient. However, for difficult functions f - e.g. functions containing large objects at the boundary of the reconstruction region - linear interpolation generates visible artefacts. In that case an oversampling procedure similar to the one of Algorithm 2 below is advisable. Alternatively one may use the circular harmonic algorithm from section 5.
The algorithm needs O(p) operations for each reconstruction point. Algorithms with lower complexity (such as O tex2html_wrap_inline3388 ) can be obtained either by Fourier reconstruction, see section 6, or by the fast backprojection algorithm in section 2.5.
The conditions (2.6), (2.7) suggest to take tex2html_wrap_inline3390 . This much debated condition is usually not complied with in radiological applications, where p is chosen considerably smaller. This is due to the special requirements in radiological imaging.

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Frank Wuebbeling
Thu Sep 10 10:51:17 MET DST 1998