This formula inverts the ray transform
which comes up e.g. in 3D emission tomography (PET, Defrise et al. (1989)). If is restricted to a plane, then we have simply the Radon transform in this plane, and we can reconstruct f in that plane by any of the methods in the previous section. In practice g = Pf is measured for where . In Orlov's formula (Orlov (1976)), is a spherical zone around the equator, i.e.
where , are the spherical coordinates of and . Then,
where is the Laplacian acting on x and is the length of the intersection of with the plane spanned by . The first formula of (3.6) is - up to - a backprojection, while the second one a convolution in . Thus an implementation of (3.6) is again a filtered backprojection algorithm.
P can also be inverted by the Fourier transform. We have
where `` '' denotes the (n-1)-dimensional Fourier transform in on the left hand side and the Fourier transform in on the right hand side.
Assume that satisfies the Orlov condition: Every equatorial circle of meets . Note that the set - the spherical zone - we used above in Orlov's formula satisfies this condition. From (3.7) it follows that f is uniquely determined by for under the Orlov condition. Namely if is arbitrary, then Orlov's condition says that there exists , and is determined from (3.7).