Bahman Khodadadi from Iran

Doctoral Candidate at the Faculty of Law
© Uni MS / Nikolaus Urban
Absolutely, I recommend and encourage those whose hearts burn for knowledge to conduct research at the University of Muenster.
Bahman Khodadadi

Why did you decide to come to Muenster for your research?

It is a bit long story indeed; after having correspondence with Professors Thomas Weigend (University of Cologne), he kindly advised me to contact Professor Bijan Fateh-Moghadam who was an academic member of the Cluster of Excellence Religion and Politics at that time. Following some correspondence with Prof. Fateh-Moghadam, Professor Thomas Gutmann who later became my PhD supervisor together with Prof. Fateh-Moghadam invited me as a guest researcher to the Cluster.

What is your research about (in simple terms)?

My research, doctoral thesis, revolves around the legal theory, criminal law, penal policy, and legal history.

Has the research environment in Muenster affected your work? Would you recommend coming to Muenster to a colleague?

The research environment in Muenster in general and the academic atmosphere of the Cluster, in particular, have played a significant role in the quality of my research. I appreciate my both supervisors who have provided me with a place at the Cluster of Excellence that is a great opportunity for me to be in touch with scholars researching in various humanities and social-science areas. Absolutely, I recommend and encourage those whose hearts burn for knowledge to conduct research at the University of Muenster.

What would you advise other international researchers to do during their stay in Münster? Is there anything you do particularly like about Muenster?

I would like to advise other international researchers to be women/men for all seasons. The fact that the research environment in Muenster is wonderful is of course not the whole story. I kindly advise them to take all dimensions of life into their account. Lest you neglect taking advantage of the cultural, historical and artistic atmosphere of Muenster. Different parts of this lovely city tell a story that can take you to a period of history. It promotes your vision that may be as valuable as the knowledge you receive from the university. What I particularly like about Muenster are security, beauty, and the cultural atmosphere of the society.


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Alumni-Club Universität Münster

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