Prof Alcides Buss from Brazil

Mathematical Institute
© © Uni MS / Nikolaus Urban
Of course, I would recommend a colleague to come to Münster, specially a colleague from my research field because Münster has a very strong team working on Operator Algebras.
Prof Alcides Buss



Why did you decide to come to Muenster for your research?I got my doctoral degree from Münster university in 2007 and since then I maintain collaboration with researches from Münster, specially with prof. Siegfried Echterhoff from the Math. Institute. I have already a long and fruitful collaboration with him and will certainly keep coming back to Münster more times.

What is your research about (in simple terms)?

I am a mathematician, specialised in a field called “Operator Algebras” a branch of Functional Analysis. The origins to this field are connected to Physics, specially with Quantum Mechanics. However, I personally only work with pure mathematics at the moment, developing further the research on Operator Algebras. As every good mathematician I work to develop new theories and prove theorems.

Has the research environment in Muenster affected your work? Would you recommend coming to Muenster to a colleague?

As already mentioned above, I have a long and fruitful collaboration with people here in Münster. This certainly had a strong effect in my personal career. Of course, I would recommend a colleague to come to Münster, specially a colleague from my research field because Münster has a very strong team working on Operator Algebras. Indeed, I have already done this, inviting colleagues and sending students to Münster.

What would you advise other international researchers to do during their stay in Münster? Is there anything you do particularly like about Muenster?

I only know well the math group on Operator Algebras here in Münster, so I can only recommend something in this direction. But I know that Münster is also very good in other fields. Speaking about the city Münster, I like it very much, it is a very beautiful city. I like very much the life style here. For instance, it is enough to have a good bike to live here, and this already makes the city peculiar. The castles in Münster are beautiful, I recommend people to visit them.


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