Associated Partners

In addition to the 8 Alliance Partners, the Ulysseus community currently consists of 158 Associated Partners. Associated Partners are e.g. regional and local authorities, companies and associations that are interested in the long-term mission of Ulysseus, in our regional development and in shaping the future of European higher education. They are involved in the co-creation and design thinking processes, in the plans and structures as well as in the activities of Ulysseus.
The German Associated Partners are:
Chamber of Industry and Commerce
HIGH-TECH.NRW c/o NMWP Management GmbH
Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH - Helmholtz Institut Münster
FH Münster University of Applied Sciences
An overview of all international associated partners of the network can be found on the Ulysseus website.