Face-to-face tandem courses

In addition to providing you with a flexible and coherent framework to plan your learning process independently, creatively and successfully in working with a tandem partner, our courses also offer you the opportunity to obtain credit points for your degree programme.

To find more information about our tandem courses for the upcoming semester, please CLICK HERE.





  • Conditions

    In order to participate in the tandem programme, you

    1. need to be enrolled at the Münster University
    2. need to have obtained at least 31 points in the C-Test (placement test), if German is not your first language
    3. need to be ready to take charge of your learning process
    4. need to be ready to support your tandem partner in their learning process
    5. need to be willing to learn with your tandem partner throughout the whole semester even if you should decide not to obtain credit points (anymore).
  • General Studies (Allgemeine Studien) & QISPOS 

    This information is only relevant to students studying for a full degree at the University of Münster.

    Both courses can be recognized for the Allgemeine Studien (General Studies). If you want to get 5 LP, you need to complete a tandem project together with your partner (each in his/her target language). The project will be supervised by your tandem tutor.

    Should your grade need to be entered in QISPOS, please make sure you are aware of the registration deadline.

    If you are considering receiving the credit points for your degree programme, please check with your faculty whether this is possible.

  • Course materials, documentation & dates / deadlines

    All important documents (learning journal/logbook, etc.) for the tandem course can be found on our Learnweb platform. You will be provided with a password during the introductory sessions. Feel free to send us an email if you might want to hace certain documents beforehand or without attending an introductory session: spztandem[@]uni-muenster.de