Our German as a Foreign Language (DaF) department offers university-preparatory courses to international applicants to prepare them for the DSH examination for admission to a German university and enrolment in a full-fledged degree programme.

© LDaF - Münster

Intensive DaF courses to prepare for the DSH and university study

Our intensive DaF courses are designed to optimally prepare you for the linguistic and cultural challenges which await you at the University of Münster. You will receive over 20 hours of German language instruction per week in various subject areas.

You can learn more about our courses on our German website [de].

DSH – German Language Examination for University Admission

By passing the DSH exam (German Language Examination for University Admission), candidates demonstrate that they possess the language skills required for admission to a university degree programme in Germany.

You can learn more about the DSH on our German website [de].


Preparatory module for enrolment in regular degree programmes at the University of Münster (only for language course participants)

The preparatory language module DSH2plus (8 hours per week) is designed to help students meet the linguistic challenges of regular degree programmes at the University of Münster. The aim of the module is to give you the necessary tools to help you successfully complete your desired degree programme.

You can learn more about DSH2plus on our German website.

UniStart Sprache

Workshop weeks for regularly enrolled international students before their first semester.
UniStart course registration: Registration period begins at the end of August each year!

Starting a degree programme – the easy way

As a regularly enrolled international student, we invite you to participate in this two-week workshop programme which takes place immediately before your degree programme commences. During the workshop, our instructors prepare you for the diverse linguistic and cultural challenges that await you in various academic situations, as well as acquaint you with the important offices and facilities of the University of Münster.

You can learn more about our workshop programme on our German website [de].