© StadtSportbundMünster

Job/project advertisement: Need-based movement development for children and young people with disabilities

The Stadtsportbund Münster e.V. (SSB) is the umbrella organisation of the more than 200 sports clubs in Münster and thus represents the interests of 100,000 sports club members. The advertised project takes place in cooperation with "SEHT e.V.", the "Verein für Mototherapie und Psychomotorische Entwicklungsförderung
e.V." and "Lebenshilfe Münster e.V.". The aim of the project is a demand-oriented development of physical activity for children and adolescents with disabilities with a focus on the health promotion of the target group. The basis for this is a scientific needs assessment for the professional implementation of which we are now looking for support.
Further information can be found here.
Applications will be accepted by 17 July 2024. e-mail