© Universitätsdrucke Göttingen

Collaboration on the book: Sport und Studienerfolg

This week new findings were published on the importance of physical activity for success in university studies. The book can be accessed as a free online version via the publisher's homepage.

Many of the chapters were written at the institute of sport science and the university sport of the WWU. For example, Carsten Müller from HSP answers the question of whether a positive connection between physical activity and mental health can be confirmed among students. Barbara Halberschmidt and Bernd Strauß present the Münster model for promoting dual careers for top athletes. Shu Ling Tan and Malte Jetzke show that a deeply rooted sporting activity goes hand in hand with high life satisfaction. Students who are inactive and want to become active in sports are more dissatisfied than those who do not engage in sports at all. Malte Jetzke and Arne Göring from HSP Göttingen are also investigating the extent to which sports behavior changes during the transition from school to university.