eHealth House

© Lorenzo Centamore

Nestled within the TechMed Simulation Centre of the University of Twente lies a pioneering facility known as the eHealth House. Designed to emulate a real-world living space, the eHealth House serves as a dynamic arena where cutting-edge technology meets the challenges of healthcare. Here, researchers, educators, and developers converge to explore the frontiers of health technology in a controlled yet lifelike setting.

As part of the University of Twente's Personalized eHealth Technology (PeHT) program, the eHealth House specializes in fostering advancements in mobile and digital health technology. It is a fully furnished two-room apartment, complete with a cozy living room with a working kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom. The rooms contain standard furniture that can be adapted as needed.

Central to the eHealth House is its sophisticated control room, situated above the living space. From here, Researchers can monitor activities in real-time, by using the video recorded from the cameras mounted on the ceiling of the house, or by using one-way mirrors.

At the core of the eHealth House's capabilities lies its comprehensive array of experimental materials. From observation cameras to microphones and sensor systems, the facility empowers researchers to delve into diverse aspects of physiology, behaviour, and environmental factors.

The eHealth House has been widely used for research on Parkinson's disease. One of the latest projects was the FOG@home project, which has just completed the acquisitions. In the upcoming Parkinson's Vibrating Socks project, the facility will take center stage once again. Parkinson's patients from the Netherlands and Germany will participate in a one-day study visit, wearing several sensors to capture, for example, movement and physiological data.

While wearing these sensors, participants will perform several tasks, aiming to trigger as many Freezing of Gait (FOG) events as possible.

The acquired data will be used to develop a new algorithm for FOG prediction.

Moreover, participants will have the opportunity to experience and evaluate the Parkinson's Vibrating Socks firsthand within the familiar confines of a home-like environment. This immersive testing ground promises invaluable insights into the usability and efficacy of these innovative devices.

In summary, the eHealth House stands as a beacon of innovation in the realm of health technology. By providing a realistic yet controlled environment for experimentation and research, it paves the way for transformative developments in healthcare, ultimately enriching the lives of patients and caregivers alike.