
The team of the EU-Studies is currently working in the following research projects (11/2018):


gkgk Deutschland – Polen (Datenbank und Beratung)

Dr. Dennis Dreiskämper

Lena Henning

Kathrin Aschebrock

Prof. Dr. Roland Naul


EUPEO (2018 - 2021)

Prof. Dr. Roland Naul

Stefanie Dahl

Dr. Dennis Dreiskämper

Christina Uhlenbrock

Gute Kita mit gesunden Kindern (gkgk 2.0)

Prof. Dr. Sebastiaan Platvoet (Hogeschool Arnhem en Nijmengen)

Jun.Prof. Dr. Till Utesch (WWU Münster)

Reinhardt te Uhle (EAdS Bocholt)

Henny Breukers (Stichting gkgk Nederland)

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Roland Naul (WGI Münster)

HEPAS (2019 - 2021)

Universität Luxemburg und Partner 

CEREPS (seit 2016 fortlaufend)

Universität Luxemburg

WGI Münster 

review on „Research of Physical Education and School Sport in Europe”

Dr. Claude Scheuer (Universität Luxembourg)

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Roland Naul (EU-Studies, Institut für Sportwissenschaft, WWU Münster)

Carolin Fabry (EU-Studies, Institut für Sportwissenschaft, Universität Münster)

Healthy Children in Sound Communities

Healthy Children in sound communities (only in German)


Interreg IVa; Euregio Rhein-Waal; Provincie Gelderland; Provincie Noord-Braband; Wirtschafts- und Sportministerium NRW; Landessportbund/Sportjugend NRW; Unfallkasse NRW; BKK Nordwest; Beteiligte Kommunen aus NRW und den Niederlanden;
WGI self-funding

Healthy Children in Sound Communities Online-Database (since 2012)

Explanatory video about the gkgk-online-database


Evaluation of the movement, playing and sport supply at all-day elementary schools in North Rine-Westfalia (Main study 2009-2012)

Landessportbund/Sportjugend NRW; Ministerium für Schule und Weiterbildung NRW; Ministerium für Frauen, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport NRW; Unfallkasse NRW; Universität Duisburg-Essen;
WGI self-funding

Evaluation of the movement, playing and sport supply at all-day elementary schools in North Rine-Westfalia (Main study 2009-2012)

Landessportbund/Sportjugend NRW; Ministerium für Schule und Weiterbildung NRW; Ministerium für Frauen, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport NRW; Unfallkasse NRW; Universität Duisburg-Essen;
WGI self-funding

Healthy children in sound communities (HCSC) (2010-2011)

Europäische Kommission (EAC) – “Preparatory Actions in the Field of Sport”; Deutsche Sportjugend; ENGSO Youth; Beteiligte nationale Sportbünde (u.a. Sportamt Darmstadt, DE; NISB, NL; Youth Sport Trust UK; CSTV, CZ; FIAF, IT); Universitäten Münster, Osnabrück, Poznan, Praha;
WGI self-funding

Healthy children in the city of Mülheim/Ruhr (2013-2017)

Stadt Mülheim; SSB Mülheim;
WGI self-funding

Future Investment: Development of Young Engagement in Sports (ZI:EL); Evaluation (2014-2015)


Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ); Deutsche Sportjugend; Universität Münster;
WGI self-funding

Linked communal sponsorship for children– effect oriented quality management and improvement of the chance to access for vulnerable target groups (2015-2018) (Module SKILLS)

- Effect oriented quality management and improvement of the chance to access for vulnerable target


 The topic of the research association is the analysis of the communal health promotion through linked, life-oriented offers and their effect on health of children with special focus to vulnerable target groups.  Five research partner analyse the interaction health promoting offers in communal prevention networks and the resulting effects on health through an interdisciplinary perspective. An additional topic is the interconnection of communal actors and the transfer of knowledge through an internet portal.


Central research question

-Does the concept of communal prevention network accomplish a substantial contingent to the improvement of children’s health and the degradation on health related inequalities?

- How can practical actors check this contingent in the future?

The analysis of the offers to health promotion in the involved model commune targeting the clarification of following questions

-supply situation (which preventive offers are present?)

- Structure of offers (How are the offers horizontal, i.e. between the settings of a phase of life and vertical, i.e. phases of life overall linked)

- Acceptance (are the offers accomplish the target group?)

-Qualitative impact analysis of target groups and communal actors

- Quantitative outcome analysis (are there measurable effects on health of the children?) 


Expected results

-          Practical guideline to plan and implement prevention networks and design of new offers

-          Transfer of knowledge and promotion of the interconnection communal actors through an  internet based communication platform

-          Development of qualification offer in the section pm linked communal health promotion ( academic trainees Public Health as well as apprenticeship and advanced education modules for practice)


The research association accounts to the integrated approach of the prevention networks through an inter- and transdisciplinary study design. There will be a coordination of the methodical procedure as well as a common analysis and integration of the research findings. The aim is the development of recommendations for a target group oriented design of linked communal health promotion, with special look at relevant interfaces and crossings (e.g. kinder garden / primary school). Therewith does the research project achieve an important share to quality management linked, life- oriented communal health promotion.

Forschungsverbund Vernetzte Kommunale Gesundheitsfoerderung Fuer Kinder

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF); Universität Münster;
WGI self-funding