Research Exchange at the Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland

Applicant: Andrea Kanzler-Hernandez,
Department: FB 04, Wirtschaftswissenschaften

The aim of my research exchange was to conduct experiments regarding digital health aspects. I am analyzing how virtual reality and artificial intelligence technologies can be employed by medical doctors via social media to impact their online audience and to persuade potential patients to change their behavior in order to improve their health. For the exchange the Queen's University Belfast (QUB) was selected due to the availability of state of the art virtual reality equipment within the Centre For Identity and Intergroup Relations Lab (CIIR) and Dr. Salvador Alvidrez as an expert in communications research.

After my arrival at QUB in the middle of May Dr. Alvidrez and I started with several constructive meetings to finalize the experimental design and testing of the virtual reality equipment. The CIIR lab just recently had purchased new virtual reality headsets and it took the IT department some time to set up the new glasses, therefore we started with their Oculus Rift Headsets, since those were working already. Additionally, I had to submit several documents to the QUB ethics committee to get my experiment approved. Among those documents were a research protocol, a safety plan, consent forms, an experiment invitation flyer, etc. The approval process was taking a bit longer than usual, since QUB was on summer break and less staff was available. Currently, the data collection process is still ongoing.

During my research exchange at the QUB I also had the opportunity to present a poster of my preliminary results during the Conference ISRE 2024 (Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion) which was held in Belfast. Additionally, I volunteered at ISRE 2024, and in doing so, I was able to give back some support to the research team that was hosting my exchange in Belfast. Furthermore, the feedback and advice I received during the conference was very positive and helpful.

Overall, this research exchange was highly beneficial for my PhD, the data we will collect during the experiments will be used in my next publication. Further, I was able to extend my professional network and had fruitful discussions with professors and PhD students at QUB on research questions, methodologies and opportunities for future projects. I can highly recommend conducting a research exchange to advance your academic development and I am very thankful that the Santander Mobility Fund made this possible
for me.