Dynamic exchanges at the plasma membrane
The 2022 international conference of the CRC 1348 will focus on molecular mechanisms underlying dynamic exchanges at the plasma membrane and discuss how this influences various cell biological processes that govern morphogenesis and tissue homeostasis.
A distinguished group of national and international scientist will present their current research activities on cellular biophysics, mechanobiology and tissue mechanics, endo- and exocytosis, cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion. Furthermore, lectures on computational biology employing artificial intelligence and modelling approaches will provide an exciting perspective on how to address increasingly complex data sets and identify computational solutions for biological observations. Additional, short talks and poster sessions will allow PhD students and Postdocs to present their research. Social activities and informal breaks in between sessions will provide great settings and ample time for personal interactions and discussions.
Given the pandemic situation, the symposium is currently planned as a hybrid meeting allowing for online participation. We are hopeful, however, that all participants will be able to join our meeting in-person.
Meeting-ID: 630 2214 5945
Code: 913572Speaker
June 8th, 2022
14.00 – 14.10 Welcome
Session 1: If Newton and Angström had ever met Förster
14.10 – 14.45 Kristian Franze, Erlangen The chemo-mechanical regulation of brain development 14.45 – 15.20 Alexander Dunn, Stanford Mechanosensing at afadin-based cellular adhesion complexes 15.20 – 15.55 Christos Gatsogiannis, Muenster Molecular Mechanism of LTX neurotoxic action 15.55 – 16.15 Flash-Light Talks Poster Promo 1-4 Lab Klingauf, Heuer, Galic & Missler 16.15 – 16.45 Coffee break
Session 2: Engineering and analyzing bottom up from single cells
16.45 – 17.20 Seraphine Wegner, Muenster Optogenetic regulation of cell-cell adhesions 17.20 – 17.55 Peter Horvath, Hungary Life beyond the pixels: Single-cell analysis using deep learning and image analysis methods 17.55 – 18.30 Ivo Sbalzarini, Dresden Machine learning of spatio-temporal models from image data 18.30 – 18.40 Flash-Light Talks Poster Promo 5-6 Lab Grashoff & Wedlich-Söldner June 9th, 2022
Session 3a: Barrier and polarity dynamics
09.00 – 09.35 Alf Honigmann, Dresden Dynamics of tight junction formation 09.35 – 10.10 Ian Macara, Vanderbilt Dynamics of polarity protein traffic itineraries 10.10 – 10.20 Flash-Light Talks Poster Promo 7-8 Lab Luschnig & Krahn 10.20 – 10.50 Coffee break
Session 3b: The in´s and out´s, cis´ and trans´ of cell mechanobiology
10.50 – 11.25 Yanlan Mao, London Coping with mechanical stress: Tissue dynamics during development and repair (digital) 11.25 – 12.00 Alba Diz-Munoz, Heidelberg Mechanobiology at the cell surface 12.00 – 12.35 Ada Cavalcanti-Adam, Heidelberg Engineering the local control of cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion receptors 12.35 – 12.50 Flash-Light Talks Poster Promo 9-11 Lab Zarbock, Schulte-Merker & Grobe 12.50 – 14.00 Lunch break & poster presentation
Session 4: It´s a long long way endo
14.00 – 14.35 Anne Spang, Basel Compartmentalisation in the endosomal system 14.35 – 15.10 Marta Miaczynska, Warsaw AXL-driven plasma membrane dynamics in cancer cell biology 15.10 – 15.45 Ludger Johannes, Paris Mechanisms of acute regulation of GlycoLipid-Lectin (GL-Lect) endocytosis 15.45 – 16.55 Flash-Light Talks Poster Promo 12-13 Lab Rescher & Schelhaas June 10th, 2022
Session 5a: Cytoskeletal dynamics and lipid networks
09.00 – 09.35 Michael Way, London Analysis of Vaccinia virus release from infected cells using cryo-ET 09.35 – 10.10 Maria Bohnert, Muenster Systematic approaches to uncover new players in lipid droplet biology 10.10 – 10.25 Flash-Light Talks Poster Promo 14-16 Lab Püschel, Rumpf & Klämbt 10.25 – 11.00 Coffee break
Session 5b: Morphodynamics of embryonic development
11.00 – 11.35 Ivan Bedzhov, Muenster Cellular mechanisms of embryonic development & embryo-maternal interactions during implantation 11.35 – 12.10 Verena Ruprecht, Barcelona Mechanical control of morphodynamic cell plasticity in development 12.10 – 12.20 Flash-Light Talks Poster Promo 17-18 Lab Raz & Adams/Pitulescu 12.20 – 14.30 Lunch break & poster presentation
Session 6: Fold, stretch, attach: May the dynamic forces be with you
14.30 – 15.05 Carien Niessen, Cologne Cell polarity signaling in epithelial stratification and tumor formation 15.05 – 15.40 Christian Dahmann, Dresden Cellular forces guiding epithelial folding 15.40 – 16.15 Anne-Kathrin Classen, Freiburg Cell surface affinity controls soma-germline morphogenesis (digital)