Florin Filimon, MA

Beteiligung am Sonderforschungsbereich 1150
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Teilprojekt C02 Die Rolle des Übernatürlichen in Prozessen herrschaftlichen Entscheidens in Byzanz zwischen dem 6. und 12. Jahrhundert
- Mitglied in der Forschungsplattform II Entscheiden in Theorie von Macht und III Entscheiden in individualistischen Handlungs- und Sozialtheorien
- Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe Experten und Entscheiden
- Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe Herrscher, Propheten und Gelehrte – Transmediterrane Perspektiven auf die Vormoderne
- Occult sciences in Byzantium
- Hagiography
- Imperial decision-making
2015-2019 | Scientific Researcher in the SFB 1150 |
2014-2015 | Master of Arts in Medieval Studies, Central European University, Budapest |
2012, June – August | Research grant offered by Hamburg University. Title of the project: The Religious Lyric of Synesius Bishop of Cyrene |
2011-2014 and July 2015 – October 2015 | Editor at the Patristics Department of Romanian Patriarchate Publishing Houses |
2011-2013 | Master of Arts in Classics, University of Buchares |
2010, December-2011, June | Research Assistant of Prof. Octavian Gordon |
2008-2011 | Bachelor of Arts in Classics, University of Buchares |
Aufsätze in Zeitschriften und Sammelbänden
- Semnificațiile lui fides și a derivaților săi in memorandumul trimis de Mihai Viteazul regelui Rudolf al II-lea în 17 ianuarie 1601’ [‘The significations of fides and its derivatives in the memorandum sent by Michael the Brave to King Rudolf II in January 17, 1601’], in: Itinera 9 (2011), S. 43-44.
- Hieronymus, Eptolae LXV & LXXX, translated by Florin Filimon in: Hieronymus, Epistolae LIII-C (forthcoming).
- Hieronymus, Epistola LI, translated by Florin Filimon in: Hieronymus, Epistolae I- LII, PSB 9 (new series), Bucharest, 2014, pp. 342-357.
- Basilius Magnus, Regulae Fusius Tractatae, translated by Florin Filimon in: Basilius Magnus, Moral and Ascetic Writings, PSB 5 (new series), Bucharest, 2013, pp. 205-309.