Vortrag von Shaun Blanchard (University of Notre Dame Australia): "I am no Papist": The "Cisalpine" Catholics of Enlightenment Britain (04.07.2024)

Referent: Shaun Blanchard (University of Notre Dame Australia)

In the late eighteenth-century, "Cisalpine" Catholics chose this designation to signal that they were loyal British subjects, and not in the thrall of foreign "ultramontane" or papist doctrines. Though mainly English, this network spread across the English-speaking world, and had ideological ties with reformist Catholics throughout Europe, including in the Habsburg lands. By the late 1780s, Catholic Enlightenment in the English-speaking world had changed from in intellectual orientation  into a political-ecclesial movement.


18:00 Uhr

Seminarraum JO 102
Johannisstr. 4
48143 Münster

Veranstalter*innen: Jürgen Overhoff / Exzellenzcluster „Religion und Politik“