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ULB Münster offers you a wide range of opportunities to expand your knowledge about open access and publishing. Our events will inform you about everything from the basics of scientific publishing and the importance of open access to practical tips and tools that will help you make your research accessible to a global audience.
We invite you to join our events to explore more about publishing and open access to knowledge. Feel free to stop by to stay up to date on upcoming events and workshops.

Past events

  • 5.03.2025: 10:15–11:45 "Digital publishing and research data management – Strategies for a successful funding application"

    Digital data are generated in practically all scientific work. Examples include measurement results, photos or digital editions of historical texts. The handling of such data is part of good scientific practice, which is why third-party funding bodies now almost invariably require this aspect to be addressed in project proposals. A clear strategy for the management and publication of research data and results is therefore crucial for a successful third-party funding application. The lecture will present aspects that should support the development of such a strategy: What tools exist to capture and manage research data in a structured way? Which storage locations are available? How can data and results be published digitally? What licenses are available for this? What opportunities and financial support are available for publishing Open Access? What support do the University of Münster and ULB offer? The event is in English.

    Date: 05.03.2025
    The lecture is integrated into the series "Third-party Funding in a Nutshell", which is organized by the SAFIR Research Funding Advisory Service.
    Language: The event will be held in English.

  • 16.01.2025: 10:00–12:00 "Research data management"

    The workshop will focus on central aspects of research data management. After a general introduction, practical examples will be given to provide best practices for participants’ own scientific work, such as publishing or sharing research data. Moreover, there will be time for discussions and a broad Q&A session.

    In particular, the following topics will be covered:

    1. Research data organization: keeping the track!
    2. Storage, preservation, and publication of research data
    3. Licenses for software, data(bases), and publications
    4. Dealing with data management plans
    5. Research data services at the University of Münster


    • Become familiar with FAIR principles and the data lifecycle
    • Understand how to use metadata in daily scientific work
    • Get to know ways to publish and preserve research data
    • Know which licenses can be used for your data and publications
    • Learn how to set up data management plans
    • Get an overview of RDM services at the University of Münster

    Target group: doctoral and postdoctoral researchers
    Date: 16.01.2025
    Language: The event will be held in English.
    Facilitators: Dr. Frank Berkemeier, Wibke Fellermann

  • 15.01.2025: 09:00–12:00 "Digital publishing & open access"

    The workshop will cover key aspects of digital academic publishing. Examples from practice will illustrate the overview and provide impulses for participants’ own scientific work. The presentation of several topics will alternate with Q&A sessions:

    1. Open access: what and why?
    2. "Who am I, and if so... really that many?" – Author Identification
    3. Legal aspects: author contracts, licenses, secondary publishing rights
    4. My dissertation is finished – now how can I publish it?
    5. Your library is more than books: publishing and funding services by the library
    6. Watch out: predatory activities in science


    • Get to know a variety of publication processes and be aware of the challenges and pitfalls of publishing
    • Be aware that there are, among others, important legal aspects to consider when publishing
    • Know how to submit and publish your dissertation
    • Learn about the publishing services offered by the library
    • Learn about the funding opportunities for your open access publications

    Target group: doctoral and postdoctoral researchers
    Date: 15.01.2025
    Language: The event will be held in English.
    Facilitators: Wibke Fellermann, Dr. Viola Voß

  • 21.10.–27.10.2024: Open Access Week 2024

    This year’s theme continues the call to put “Community over Commercialization” and prioritize approaches to open scholarship that serve the best interests of the public and the academic community.
    Get an overview of the International Open Access Week 2024 and our offers on our website and stay informed: In the foyer of Münster University and State Library (Central Library) you will find a stand on the topic of Open Access during the week, where you can view personal statements from researchers at our university and pick up brochures and flyers. Take this opportunity to find out more about Open Access and learn about the importance of Open Access from like-minded people who are equally committed to free access to scientific knowledge.

    Poster presentation

  • 8.10.2024: Digital publishing and research data management. Strategies for a successful funding application

    10:15 – 11:45 a.m. | Web seminar via ZOOM

    Digital data is generated in practically all scientific work. Examples include measurement results, photos or digital editions of historical texts. The handling of such data is part of good scientific practice, which is why third-party funding bodies now almost invariably require this aspect to be addressed in project proposals.
    A clear strategy for the management and publication of research data and results is therefore crucial for a successful third-party funding application. The lecture will present aspects that should support the development of such a strategy: What tools exist to capture and manage research data in a structured way? Which storage locations are available? How can data and results be published digitally? What licenses are available for this? What opportunities and financial support are available for publishing Open Access? What support do the University of Münster and ULB offer?

    Target group: The event is aimed at all scientists of the University of Münster.
    Dates: Regular, once per semester. The lecture is integrated into the series "Third-party Funding in a Nutshell", which is organized by the SAFIR Research Funding Advisory Service. The dates of the series as well as information on how to participate can be found on the SAFIR Research Funding Advisory website.
    Language: The event will be held in German.

  • 10.01.2024 & 10.07.2024: Good Scientific Practice: Open Access, digital publishing & ORCID

    9.00 a.m.–12.00 noon | Web seminar via ZOOM

    The workshop will cover key aspects of digital academic publishing. Examples from practice will illustrate the overview and provide impulses for the participants' own scientific work. The presentation of several topics will alternate with discussions and Q&A sessions:

    1. Open Access: what and why?
    2. "Who am I, and if so ... really that many?" – Author identification
    3. Legal aspects: author contracts, licenses, secondary publishing rights
    4. My dissertation is finished – now how can I publish it?
    5. Your library is more than books: publishing and funding services by the ULB
    6. Watch out: Predatory activities in science

    Target group: Doctoral candidates, postdocs
    Dates: Regular, once per semester. The lecture is integrated into the series "Good Scientific Practice", which is organized by the Münster Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes). The dates of the series as well as information on how to participate can be found on the Münster Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes).
    Language: Alternating between English and German language

  • 25.10.2023: Digital publishing and research data management. Open access publications and archiving options

    10.15–11.45 a.m. | Web seminar via ZOOM

    Digital data accumulates in practically every scientific work, for example survey data, laboratory values or photos. Handling these data in a reliable and responsible way is part of good scientific practice and includes e.g. the planning of data collection as well as the storage, evaluation, publication and preservation of data.
    The lecture will deal with this "life cycle" of research data: Which expectations are placed on scientists? What should be considered regarding storage formats and locations? A second focus will be on the topic of Open Access: What exactly does Open Access mean, and how can research data and results be published digitally?  The presentation of the support the University of Muenster and the University Library offer for these questions will round off the event.

    Target group: The event is aimed at all scientists of the University of Münster.
    Dates: Regular, once per semester. The lecture is integrated into the series "Third-party Funding in a Nutshell", which is organized by the SAFIR Research Funding Advisory Service. The dates of the series as well as information on how to participate can be found on the SAFIR Research Funding Advisory website.
    Language: Alternating between English and German language

  • Open Access Week (2016 – 2023)

Further training offers

If you are interested in training courses on open access or on publishing, e.g. as part of events, please contact the: Service Point for Publications, ULB.