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Affiliation guidelines of the University of Münster

The following affiliation guidelines aim to increase the visibility of the University of Münster and its researchers and to improve the university’s international reputation.
Of utmost importance are additional details on authors and editors of scientific publications, e.g. in journals, books and conference reports. The key factor for ensuring their recognition is the statement of institutional affiliation. Its uniformity is essential. Therefore, all authors at the University of Münster are required to observe the content of these guidelines.
In addition, publications are easier to find and retrieve by using identification systems such as ORCID, ResearcherID or Scopus Author ID, since they allow for an unequivocal attribution of authorship. Visibility is enhanced further when research results are made available via open-access channels.

Scope of application

For all persons who are members of the University of Münster in accordance with § 9 NRW Higher Education Act (HG NRW), the following provisions of the affiliation guidelines are obligatory, in particular the standardised statements of affiliation. This also applies to doctoral candidates, students, visiting researchers, scholarship holders and honorary professors, provided that their published research was conducted at the University of Münster.

Standardised statements of affiliation for the University of Münster

  • Name of university

    For each publication, please state the complete name in the following way:


    Universität Münster


    University of Münster
    (or "University of Munster" in case umlauts are not allowed)

  • Name of faculty, institute, chair

    For each publication specific affiliations should be specified in addition to the principal affiliation, using the official names. The University is named first:


    Universität Münster, Institut für Kernphysik

    Universität Münster, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Logistik

    Universitätsklinikum Münster, Klinik für Urologie und Kinderurologie


    University of Munster, Institute of Nuclear Physics

    University of Munster, Department of Information Systems, Chair for Information Systems and Supply Chain Management

    University Hospital Munster, Department of Urology and Pediatric Urology

    If characters are limited, the University of Münster should have priority over more specific affiliations. As a rule, abbreviations such as "Inst. Nucl. Phy." should be avoided.

  • Multiple affiliations

    Some researchers belong to several scientific institutes or have conducted research at various institutions. If it is necessary to specify several institutional affiliations, the University of Münster should always be named first:


    Jane Doe1,2,3

    1Universität Münster, Institut für Kernphysik
    2Universität Münster, Zentrum für Hochschullehre
    3Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Biomedizin


    Jane Doe1,2,3

    1University of Munster, Institute for Nuclear Physics
    2University of Munster, Centre for Teaching in Higher Education
    3Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine

  • Use of email addresses

    Private email addresses should not be used. Please use your official email address for the University of Münster, e.g. "".

Further recommendations

Unequivocal identification of authors and editors

Please spell your name the same way in all scientific contexts and publications. This applies in particular for double-barrelled names or names with umlauts and/or prefix.
Different authorial identifiers can be used, e.g. ORCID, ResearcherID or Scopus Author ID. They guarantee that authors will be identified uniquely, regardless of identical names, name variants, name changes or shifts of institutional affiliation. Since 2018 the University of Münster has been a member of the ORCID Germany Consortium and therefore, expressly recommends ORCID. ResearcherID and Scopus Author ID are primarily used in the context of Web of Science or Scopus, but both can be linked with ORCID.
Please create also a profile for the most widely-used services in your field and link it with your publications. This ensures that your publications will be attributed correctly and consistently to your person.

Unequivocal identification of institutions

For the University of Münster, there are standardised identifiers which ensure a publication’s correct attribution in the submission procedure:

Integrated Authority File GND 1194191657
Global Research Identifier Database GRID grid.5949.1
ISNI 0000 0001 2172 9288
Research Organization Registry ROR 00pd74e08
Ringgold 9185
Virtual International Authority File VIAF 142555086
Wikidata Q168426

Unequivocal identification of open access and secondary publication

When choosing your publication format, please consider its suitability for open access publication and upload the full text to a freely accessible repository. We recommend using miami, the document server of the University of Münster.
If you have any questions concerning open access or need support, do not hesitate to contact the ULB team at

Funding acknowledgements

For publications produced in connection with externally funded research projects, funding acknowledgements are usually obligatory in accordance with the regulations of the corresponding funding provider (e.g. DFG or EU). In addition to mentioning the funding organisation(s), the project number (German Research Foundation (DFG)) or grant number is often required.

Recording all publications in the university's research information system

Please meet your reporting obligation and record all your publications in our research information system. It serves as a central database for research reporting, university rankings and the planned university bibliography.
Members of the Faculty of Medicine should report their publications for performance-based funding and internal remuneration to the publications database EVALuna Biblio.

Advisory service

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact

PDF version

A downloadable bilingual version of the guideline is available as a PDF file.